Time waits for no one

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1 year ago

There are so many things that matter in life. But time is the only one you cannot get back. Time waits for no one. One of the biggest impediments to success is time.

The 24-hour day we're all given is not enough time to do everything we want to do. There's a reason why the word 'time' ranks No. 1 when it comes to what worries us in our lives.

I'm always amazed when I have conversations with my parents and they tell me how they're still able to do everything, despite growing older.

Growing older doesn't mean you can't do anymore, it means you can't do as much as you used to. For most of us, time is our most precious resource. It's a value that we're always trying to manage, especially as our work and personal lives become more and more demanding.

One thing that has changed with age is the amount of time we have and our ability to be productive. We tend to put things off until tomorrow, until our next break, until we have more time, when the fact of the matter is that we don't have more time left.

We all have the same amount everyday and by virtue of the fact that we're alive, we already have all the time that we need.

Now, when I say this, I don't mean to sound harsh, but I like to look at it as a realistic lens through which we can change our outlook on life and achieve so much more.

Like, if you say you don't have time, then, that's it! You don't have time! Time waits for no one. There is always time to do what it is that you want to do. If there isn't, then you create the time.

Time waits for no one. Not even you or me, despite how productive you/I might have been lately. So even if you're churning out dozens of Instagram stories, multiple emails or Facebook posts per day, the fact remains: time still waits for no one.

Why? Because no matter how much you accomplish every day, every week, and every month, time marches on and eventually it's time to rest.

The day is not over until it's over and even then the day can be salvaged if we realize this fact quickly enough. If a task or event has to be completed, look at the big picture and see how you can help speed up the process without causing any harm.

Time waits for no one. No matter how busy you are, you need to make time to practice your instrument, do whatever it is you do.

Remember, tick says the clock, what you have to do, do quick.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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1 year ago
