Does Fate Control Us?
Do not be deceived by some inadequate philosophy Millions of humans try to excuse their perplexity or helplessnss during this earthly span by saying to themselves and others that they are dependent upon the decrees of Fate. These fatalist proclaim that infinite powers have predestined their every act, and it is useless for them to intervene. The fatalist, by such a belief, damns his divine heritage,his power to reason his will and faculty of choice. Why were these and other faculties, which so few men understand and use,given to us, if we are mere puppets? Why do we posses the power of thought and the attribute of decision if every human act and step along this span of life has been ordained to us in advance?
Think a moment ! Is it even reasonable that we should believe that a Supreme Being or God has conceived a complete plan for the universe even for this life and yet man must blunder on like a moth attracted by the light? Does it seem part of an intelligent design that man must stumble through a mortal existence,make mistakes,and learn through suffering alone? Does it seem just that man must search for truth, happiness,and peace of mind like hunting for a needle in a haystack and hope to find it before the end of the span, or death? Does anyone compliment the Divine Intelligence by such reasoning? This is not a religious question; it is a philosophical questions, one that concerns you and your life.
Success in life means mastership,and mastership means utilizing every inner force and power of the being, as well as every outer force. Man's creative abilities do not rest in the muscular strength of body, nor his fertile imagination. He must be able to bring his mental imaging into material expression daily, hourly. To do this, he must be able to use more,he must use these powers according to the purpose for which they were intended.