It can't always be sweet (There's good time, there's bad time)

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Avatar for HenryJay
3 years ago

A lot of people in this world always deceive themselves into believing and wishing that life will always be sweet, smooth and interesting for them all the time, which is a very big mistake disguising as thoughts in their mind. They always wish all the big cash they're able to make this month will be made the next one. They want to always have a nice day at work, have a nice car that doesn't get old, a beautiful wife without no drama and all, which is realistically impossible.

If my idea is to be sought, I'd say people having a lot of disappointment in their lives have been the sole reason for whatever disappointment they faced in most cases, bringing upon themselves any heartbreak which they're subjected to in some situations. This is because people expect more when it's only wise and healthier to expect less.

There are some simple, little but significant situations that used to determine the states of mind of people and this have made an average human lose some level of their happiness. For example, happening to able to get something (say job, car, wife) with the belief that it's meant to be ours and losing any of it without believing it's meant to be. It's wisdom to believe that whatever will not be will surely not be and what is meant to be will surely be irrespective of what the situation is and how we feel about it, as this would lead to a more healthy and more worries free lives for individuals.

Always believe that everything that happened is meant to happen.


$ 7.12
$ 7.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Snezana28


Great article. What is destined to happen will happen, a man is a blacksmith of his happiness.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's dear for your comment and also for the tip. I really appreciate it. I've been busy with work, that's why I'm not that active to quickly see your kind gesture

$ 0.00
3 years ago