When you start to read books it will be the adventure of world without paying money.Books are a hard bond of drugs with no any overdose danger,whenever you start to read and slowly,slowly you will be addicted and habitual of it.
When i start to read novels now if i don't read the book my heart is restless untill i start a new book,i feel that something is missing and an unknown feelings come in my mind that restless my mind.
I read many books but one Book give me a new hope and courage to start struggle again to achieve the goals and never loose hope,whatever done in your life never accept failuarity and try again and again after fall in battle of life you are the only one that motivate yourself never accept failuarity untill last chance,seek the purpose of your life and strive to find right path that lead you to the destination.
Such beautiful saying that i belive "whenever you try to achieve something all the things of universe helps you to achieve it",
And the name of book is,