A disease that cause death if it does not diagnose in early stages..About a survey near about 40,000 women pr year died from breast cancer.Mostly women died with out diagnosing and treatment of disease.
Breast cancer is cancer that form in the cells of Breast after skin cancer breast cancer is the most common disease in women.
Symptoms of Breast cancer.
Symptoms that occurs in breast cancer may include.
A lumph in the breast or thickening surround the breast.
Change in size or shape of breast.
Changes to the skin over the breast like dimpling
A newly inverted of niple.
Reddnes of the skin over the breast,like the skin of an orange
When to see a doctor.
These are the some symptoms or signs but if you feel any changes like lumps or any other change over the area of breast then visit to your doctor for prompt evaluation.
Breast cancer occur when some breasts rpidly grow abnormally,these cells grow more fast than healthy do and continue to accumalate,forming lump.
Some main causes are given below..
Inherited Breast cancer
Increased age
Having first child in older age
Begining of period in younger age
Begining of manopause at older age
Drinking Alcohol
Some changes in daily life may reduce the risk factor of breast cancer.
Discuss with your doctor about Breast cancer screening
Do a memogram if you are 40+Once a year
Become Familiar to do self Breast examine.
Do exercise at least 30 minutes a day
Maintain your weight
Choose a healthy diet
Breast cancer is a cureable disease if diagnose in early stages,if you adopt preventions in daily routine, do a self examine and properly visit your doctor then you should protect yourselves from Breast cancer.