A Visit to Lokoja Town

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Avatar for HazMatQdEe
2 years ago
Image Source from Unsplash

It wonderful writing here once again after staying off for a few days now. I actually started a seven day streak of writing last week, but unfortunately I could only get to the fifth day because of some personal issues that I had to attend to which involved traveling for a bit. But I'm glad I'm back again and writing once again, let's see how long I can keep up with my writing streak this time around.

I am from Kogi state in Nigeria and although I reside permanently in Lagos State, I still find time to visit my relatives from time to time whenever I can. Which is what I did before the just concluded Ramadan and I've been around since just enjoying the scenery and having fun.

If you're familiar with Nigerias federal states and their capital, then you'll know the capital of kogi state is lokoja. I've been visiting Kogi state ever since I was a kid, but the past weekend was the first time I actually properly visited the capital lokoja. What I mean by properly visited is that although I pass through lokoja from time to time whenever I'm traveling on my way to the northern states in Nigeria, the road I pass through can best be described as the outskirts of the state.

So technically I had already been to lokoja just not the main town. Last week Friday my cousin and I decided we would go over for the weekend and spend some time with some of his friends. Although we both had other reasons to be there, it still sounded like a great opportunity for me to enjoy the scene over there. It's not really a long journey as it took just a few minutes over an hour for us to arrive there and after concluding what we wanted to do, we headed to his friends apartment to spend the night.

Next morning, we initially had plans to take a walk around the area and probably get something to eat before we headed back. But one of his friends suggested we go on a hike instead because the landmass is surrounded by formations of rocks. This is one very significant thing about kogi state, you always find rock formations around the state, so it wasn't that hard for us to pick a popular spot where people like to climb a lot.

Image of lokoja from the hike

It took us roughly an hour from home to walk to the top of the rock we had chosen. After spending time sight seeing and enjoying the scenery of which we took some nice pictures of the surrounding area of lokoja town. We found a nice spot to rest our legs in preparations on the walk down again. I was actually surprised to see some people trying to climb in their cars because I felt it defeated the purpose of actually enjoying the climb.

Image from the hike

Walking down was a lot easier and in no time we were back home again. We concluded some few errands and then went to the park to get transportation back home. I must say it was a really fun experience and i actually look forward to going over again just to experience it one more time.

I had to take a day off extra from writing so I could get over the whole stress of traveling. But I'm glad I'm writing once again. If you ever visit Lokoja I strongly suggest you take a hike to one of the surrounding rock formations close to you

The images used from the hike are mine

$ 0.35
$ 0.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @MichaelBCH
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Avatar for HazMatQdEe
2 years ago


Shey you no go like climb Kilimanjaro 😂😏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol, shey u go follow me go

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes na 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never knew you are from kogi bruh, I actually have a sister that hails from there too. Anyways Welcome back

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow what part of kogi state is she from?

Thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I literally just saw this now. I don't know what part she's from. I didn't even ask🤦

$ 0.00
2 years ago