Taking a little break

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3 years ago

I was writing a article almost every day but I decided to take a little break from it and focus on family and the real things that matter in this world. My Grandma's health has not been the greatest so that has kept me pretty busy and also just having a son has kept me pretty busy as well.

Also I want to be honest with everyone. For a while I wanted to write stuff people would like and maybe get me more likes or comments but now I just want to be real and talk about my thoughts on world issues and just not care about what others think.

I do not think I impacted anyone's live's with my writing or made anyone's day from my writing but it is a kind of a getaway for me. A way to be in a place where I can be who I want to be and write about what I want to write about and if I change the thought process of one person then good for me but if not then I got to release some frustration and release some of the things that I have been wondering about.

The Great Reset

The first thing I want to talk about is this Big Reset I keep hearing about. I guess a lot of people believe that this Virus is a way to slowly (well rather quickly) keep us all in line and to make small business owners go out of business so there is just a select few who control all aspects of the markets. I thought this was already how it is...they mean worse then the way it is...man this is going to be interesting. It is funny because if this is true then a lot of people in poverty are going to flock to this idea because they have lived with nothing for so long and now the government is saying they are going to give you a living wage and make life more comfortable. I think a lot of people are going to jump on this but it is human nature to want more and to strive for most, so I can only imagine how this is going to work and what the end of this "Virus" is going to look like. If you have any thoughts on The Great Reset let me know in the comments!

Help or bait?

Another thing I want to touch base on is the fact that the government started handing out all of this money to help people in need but what people did not realize is that they would be having to pay back the majority of these payments. Do not worry, if you need help the government will help you but they will expect that help to be paid back. They know your bull crap job will not be able to pay it back so they will help you by letting them pay back in payments. In just as little as 10 years you can have you debt paid off and nothing saved up for your future! Sounds like a lot of help. Seems like they are trying to get people even farther into debt so things like the big reset can go even farther into motion. I do not know what I believe but I know that this is not right and something has to change. Maybe that is what the former president was trying to do. I guess we will never know because we are lied to by all sides and I guess the X files has been right all along. Trust no one Skully.

Bitcoin ATH

When I started writing this, Bitcoin hit another all time high! It has almost hit $60,000 which is crazy to even think about. Now though the price has been falling and has fell and lost 15% which is around $8,000! This is a big loss but I am hoping it is going to level around and stick around $45,000. I have no information to base this off of but I just have this gut feeling lol. Not that following my gut feelings has gotten me anywhere.

I have been thinking recently...what if everything has been set up just right and at the perfect timing so all of this can happen and help push this great reset into full throttle. Now this is a thought but what if Bitcoin is a way to kind of test digital currencies and when the time is right they are going to make Crypto seem like it is vulnerable or just a sham so the price goes extremely low.

This sounds crazy but anything is possible and I know for a fact that if anything or anyone messes with the 1%’s money they are going to do anything to make it right again.

The world is a Strange Place

Have you ever just looked around and wondered...why are things the way they are. What are we doing it. What is the point of me working this mundane job? What am I supposed to be doing insteading of withering away on a couch eating chips and watching the latest soap.

I think these thoughts every day. I think that there has to be a reason for all of this. Not just to go to work and come home. Do the same shit my whole life and then die and during this whole time be afraid of death. This does not make sense to me. I have always thought there has to be more.

I suggest you look up and wonder why. I suggest you look at every day normal things and question. I do not know about you, but I want answers. I want to know why.

March 4th

So there is a conspiracy going around that on March 4th Donald Trump will be sworn back into office. I guess people believe that a lot of our presidents have been sworn in and have not actually been the real president of the United States. Something about the constitution or something. I am adding a article so you can take a gander and make your own opinions on the issue.

Qanon and March 4th

If you have any thoughts on this then please let me know in the comments! It is going to be interesting seeing the outcome of all of this. I have also been hearing Trump is planning on starting his own branch of government? Is this true? Can that even happen? I will do some research and in my next answer have some answers.

These are just some of the things I think about everyday. I have two kids and wonder every day if I am a good Dad or if I am making the right decisions. I also worry because of how wrecked the world is right now, that in the future my kids are going to have zero chance of making it. They will be stuck working some mundane job and being stuck for the rest of there lives. That is why I am saving and learning about Crypto. Hopefully by the time they are my age Crypto and certain stocks will be enough to get them started and going in life for a while.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this article. I will try to take my time more so I can make sure there are not mistakes and my information is as accurate as possible. If you have enjoyed please take the time to like and comment!

Until Next Time.

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