Lofty - The Future of Real Estate

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1 year ago

Blockchain has only been around for ten years and has branched out to almost all aspects of our life. The power of Blockchain is unmatched by anything our species has ever seen. Blockchain has been implemented in just about anything you can think of from games, blogging, money, security, cloud services, and so much more. I have come across a project that is the first of its kind and I am excited to share it with you guys.

Have you ever seen a Real Estate market run on Blockchain technology? If you have then I would love to hear about it but if you have not then you are like me and this project will be the first. Until recently I have not seen a project that uses Blockchain tech to help you invest in Real Estate. This is a new type of Real Estate investing. It is made for the average person who works all day, six days a week, and still does not have much to invest in their future. The project I will be talking about is changing the Real Estate market and making it easier for people who do not have large amounts of funds to invest be able to invest in Real Estate.


The project I am going to be sharing with you is called Lofty. Lofty is a one-of-a-kind platform and gives the power back to the average person when it comes to investing and making money from the Real Estate market.

Lofty is the first of its kind and I think it has a bright future. Imagine being able to be a part of one of the biggest markets in the world. Now, no matter how much money you bring in you will be able to invest in a market that takes up nearly 17% of the national GDP (Gross Domestic Product). if you do not know what a GDP is then here is a quick explanation. It is the amount of production of goods and services for a country in a certain period of time.

Click here for a more detailed explanation of GDP

"The real estate industry was responsible for $3.9 billion, or nearly 17%, of the national GDP in 2021, according to a study published by the National Association of Realtors on Thursday." - Source

The way Lofty works is one of the greatest ideas for markets. Not only is this a good idea for Real Estate but this can be implemented into artwork (Masterworks), NFTs (, collectibles, and so much more. Doing this allows a whole new investment class to be able to invest in the things we normally would not be able to.

There is a lot to go over with Lofty, so I suggest taking your time to check it out and go through every part of this project. Do not rush through your research and try your best to get a good understanding of how it works and what it is about. I want people to sign up and use my links but I also want people to understand what they are investing in and get a good feeling before they decide to invest any money. I am not a financial advisor but I like to think I know a good investment when I see one.

I am going to go over Lofty a little and give you an idea of how it all works and how easy it is to get involved in the Real Estate Market no matter how much money you make.

How Lofty Works

if you would like to see a walkthrough of Lofty then check out the video below. I made a video going over Lofty and talking about everything you need to know about this amazing project.

After you have signed up and gotten a good idea of Lofty's layout, you will be brought to your Dashboard. When you are ready to invest in your first property you are going to want to go to the marketplace and find your first property to invest in.

Remember to use my link when signing up. This will give you and me $25 for signing up. You will not receive this $25 for 90 days after purchasing your first property though. I have just recently received my $25 for signing up and I am looking for my next property to invest into.

Once you have found your first property on Lofty you are going to need a way to pay for it. You can either send Algorand to your wallet that is built into the website. This wallet gives you a seed phrase so you do not have to worry about it being a custodial wallet. You own the keys to your wallet which makes it secure and allows you to not have to rely on a third party holding your funds. Another way you can buy and sell property is using Pera wallet. This is one of the best Algorand wallets that I have found at the moment. You can also use a credit card, debit card, or bank account. It takes a couple of days to go through. When using your debit or credit card it will be instant but there will be a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30. This is why I suggest using Algorand to make purchases if you have it. The fee when using an external Crypto wallet is only around $0.01.

After you have found and purchased your first property you will start to earn a decent percentage every day. After you have let it sit and build for a little bit you will be ready to withdraw.

Withdraw Process

When you are ready to withdraw from Lofty you have a couple of different options to choose from. The first is having it sent directly to your bank account. This will take 2-3 business days and you will need a minimum of $1. The next option is Paypal. Paypal has no minimum and takes up to 1 business day. The last two are sending it directly to your Algorand wallet as Algorand or USDC. The minimum is only $0.05 for this option. I am a big fan of Algorand if you have not noticed, so I choose the option of Algorand. The payment is almost instant and there is no fee which makes this the perfect option for me.

There is a lot to go through when it comes to Lofty and you should never rush when you are deciding to invest in something. I suggest checking out the video I posted above which will give you a better idea of how Lofty works.

You should always do your own research. Never believe what anyone has to say about a project online. Learn from that person and if the project sounds promising then research research research! The worst thing you could do is just listen to someone about a project and invest without doing the necessary research and digging.

It takes a while to make the money you are going to invest so it should take a while to do the research before you invest your money.

If you would like to know more projects I think will last the test of time and also other ways to earn Crypto then check out my website.

Hatty's Shack

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Thanks for taking the time to read my article. My next article is going to be about a project that is the first project to be a decentralized network and allows every smartphone to be a node. So instead of computers running nodes, your phone will be your node. Stay tuned and like and follow to help my page grow and be notified when I release new content!


Thanks for taking the time to read my article. Please like, follow, and comment to help my page grow and get notified when I post again.

Until next time my friends.

$ 1.93
$ 1.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @ZeroRequiem
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1 year ago


its interesting, Lofty has similar feature as Landshare. Thanks for sharing, I'll make sure to check it out.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for the comment! I have never heard of Landshare. Thanks for sharing that with me. I am going to check out Landshare more and see what it is all about. The home page looks similar to Lofty and it allows you to buy $50 worth at a time just like Lofty. Thanks for checking it out. Let me know what you think if you get a chance.

$ 0.00
1 year ago