Why we need Rules and Regulations?

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Avatar for Hassan0822
3 years ago
Topics: Rules, Regulations, Life

what rules are?

Firstly, we should have clear concepts about the changes occurring in this world from day to day as we can clearly observe the sunset and the sunrise on daily basis. For thousands of years, the sun is rising and then set on a daily basis but have we ever noted the phenomenon behind all this? I think the answer is "Never"...

why the answer is "Never"? Well, I think we have never focus on the rule of nature to follow the exact timing. Yes, the exact timing; we can observe the importance of word Rules and regulations from nature. let assume for a while that one day the sun breaks its rule and set towards the east rather than the west? What will happen?

The answer is the whole world will become a clash planet, every system got crashed and most important there will be no idea where we all are going.

Why we need rules?

well, the answer to this question is not quite simple. As I can say this is the most complex question in the simplest way. we need rules to maintain each and every system in the correct format. we need rules to keep check and balance on production. From production I mean to say is self-production. what we have done today and are we better than yesterday? If the answer is "Yes" then well, it's quite good but if the answer is "No" so we need to focus on our life, our goal, and most important on our existence. And all this is possible just due to creating some rules and then following them. Make your own rule like you can make a rule on time division. At its time I have to go for grocery, at that time I have to play a video game, etc, etc.

And believe me, if you start making rules and then start following them one day you'll feel you are creating something different from others.

What Rules are important to be successful?

Well, every man is a result of his/her own harvesting but when it comes to being a balanced life I can suggest some good pieces of rules which you can impose in your life and then can let me know in the comment section that whether they help you in growing or not. coming towards on topic, in short Rules

These are:

  • Keep patience: Make a rule in life to keep patience in each and every condition. whatever the condition is you just don't have to lose your temper. By this, you will enhance the capability of controlling your self

  • Take short steps: Always take start from short baby steps. Never try to get famous or to get success in one day by sitting on a couch. you have to struggle and struggle needs small steps

  • Make time table: Make a rule that you have to go with the clock. The clock is your master and you have to follow your master. when you start following this master you will start being master of others in each field because time management is the most important thing which many people don't have in them

RULES lead to RULE:

Yes, if you are following rules then you can rule over others. because following rules make you superior to them. This is not bragging but pride to wear that you are following rules. And this is a point that you are a civilized and well-mannered person.


In the end, I would like to say is this is last but not least; I hope you'll start practicing all the above-mentioned rules and will try your best to follow them too. I would conclude my article in the words that life is meant to be kept with rules and regulations. If we are not following rules well get punishment not today but on another day, but we surely get punished. So If you want to stay happy and away from punishment start following rules

This includes traffic rules, basic human right rules, how to respect elder, etc

Humble request:

This is my first article on read.cash and I am hoping you all will enjoy this. If you enjoyed and if you get any life tip from my article or if you want to advice me some piece of good suggestion then you can let me know in comment section.

GOOD BYE to all for NOW:)

Meet you next time with another topic

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Avatar for Hassan0822
3 years ago
Topics: Rules, Regulations, Life
