Hypnosis 6 Secret Tips To Stay Young Forever

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2 years ago

We all live in an age that belongs to the youth. Life, which is getting faster day by day, also tells us to be physically young. Young from the heart, young in the mind and young in your body has become the principle of survival.

Yet our lives grow with each day. In fact, the speed of the world around us makes us age faster. But, it is important that we maintain the vigor of our youth, because it is only with the youthful passion and energy that we can work towards success, enjoy a healthy life, find ourselves in sexual pleasure Do, and keep yourself happy.

How to stay young forever? How to maintain the joy of youth? How to stay excited and active.

Here I outline six steps to keep you young forever - if you follow regularly it will ensure that you are young at heart, in mind and in your body.

Step 1: Imagine living a life of youth and excitement. Picture yourself in different situations in which young people are involved. It could be a wild night at the disco, a wild game of football, romance with the person you love - it could be anything. Just focus on the process of youth.

Step 2: The image you create for yourself should have specific effects on your mind. That is, if you feel like you are getting old and falling behind the times, then enjoy a dance at the disco that will keep you young over time. If you are old and wrinkled and want to look young, picture yourself with smooth, supple, wrinkle-free skin.

Step 3: Make yourself a very alert, athletic and youthful image. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

This is a very important visual. Follow it at least twice a week. Your goal is to protect your body using the power of creative imagination. It is a lifelong program aimed at creating the passion of your youth forever, anytime, anywhere.

Step 4: If you are suffering from an old age, include visuals in ways to live a healthy life. You will see significant improvement in your health.

Step 5: Gather all your senses - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Instruct your mind to improve each of them. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

Follow them at least once every two days. You will see that the best awareness of your age is working.

Step 6: Imagine yourself in a sea of endless energy. The water is warm and comfortable. The sky is bright and sunny. Swim in fresh water. Pull your legs. Pressure through water, like energy envelops you.

Get out of the water and dry yourself with a large, soft towel. Now you are freshly young. You are on the brink with energy. You also feel that the energy you have has changed your body and bones. All the pain of old age is gone.

Now that you are young, you are motivated with a passionate enthusiasm. You are young in mind, body and soul. Enjoy your youth.

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2 years ago
