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Avatar for Haris32
3 months ago

There are no words to express this feeling.

I'm wounded.

I'm hoping this is only a dream.

I'm hoping I've awakened already.

I can still give you a hug.

How in just one glance

Everything has vanished.

How from twenty to

To become eighteen

To become fifteen

Then, in just a minute,

They become ten.

And other minutes

They become five.

Then, all of them disappear in just one snap.

I can't bear it.

I hope that I can talk to them.

Watching them weep hurts.

Like they want to say, "Mommy, we are hurting."

"We can't do this anymore."

"Sorry if we are leaving you so early."

It hurts to see them vomiting.

That yellow liquid has become red.

Witnessing how your breath gradually becomes your last breath

Just yesterday, everyone was eating heartily.

Now everyone doesn't bite any food I give them.

Oh, my poor dogs

I can't see them like this.


How can we move on from this?

Can I still live without all of you?

Why do you need to leave me together?

It's hard to accept

$ 0.00
