Islam is the 1st largest religion. It was bestowed upon the followers of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) and one main lesson that was taught is " PEACE" . Islam itself mean peace and by no reason and at any occasion has Islam or Allah himself inflicted upon the followers to spread terror or chaos. Prophet PBUH brought forward ,as guided by Allah the principles of living a balanced and disciplined life which are based upon the five pillars of Islam . None of these demands require a Muslim to become a Savage , a terrorist , a violator in order to get a rewarding life . Allah says in the Holy Quran
' If any one kills a person it is as if he killed the entire mankind and if any one saved a life , it will be as if he saves the entire humanity, '
( Quran)
Terrorism simply means an act of terror . In the past 20 Year many disastrous accidents in the world have led to traumatizing consequences and have forced every one into believing that Muslims have been directly or indirectly involved in those attacks . Thanks to media and those who control and manipulate it. If a denizen of their state does it , they say that he had unstable mind condition and if he is followers of Islam, who community alongside religion is to be blamed. Such biased approach has driven a wedge of hatred and blurred the boundaries . In retaliation condition are getting worse and there is no will to bridge this gap.
Nice post