Let's Review

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3 years ago

We have learned in the past that there is God, and God caused the Bible to be written. From the Bible we learned that God is "ONE truine God: God the Most High, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit." God is living spirit, immense, transcendent and present everywhere at all times. He lives forever and cannot die. Being also a personal God, He is: All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Righteous. He hates sin and punishes sin because He is holy and just. However, God is also merciful, loving and the giver of all grace. He fulfills all His promises because God cannot lie.

God is the Creator. He created spirit beings called angels, but one turned himself into a Satan, or God's archenemy. The angels who followed Satan became evil spirits. They became God's enemies.

God created the universe, the world and everything in it. On the sixth day, God created Adam and Eve, the first human beings. God planned for man to live with him forever, but Satan through the serpent tempted man. Adam and Eve sinned against God because they believed and obeyed Satan's word rather than God's.

Adam and Eve's sin brought death and other tragic consequences to themselves and to their offspring. Sin separated and made mankind unclean and impure in God's sight. Satan also became the new ruler of the world. Thus Cain and Abel, the first children of Adam and Eve, including all mankind born after Adam, were born naturally as sinners in the kingdom of Satan. Man is lost without hope and will suffer destruction in hell which God prepared for Satan and the evil spirits.

However, because God loved man, He promised that a SAVIOR will be born to crush Satan. God demonstrated this promise of Salvation by clothing Adam and Eve with skin garments which caused Him to put to death an innocent animal to cover for man. Thus a hope for the promised SAVIOR and Salvation came to man.

From then on, God slowly unveiled through the 'animal sacrifices" how the promised SAVIOR will ssve mankind. He has also taught that "without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin."Sin must be paid with death. Justice demands that the sinner must die.

So, man began offering animal sacrifices to God to indicate to God their Faith in God's promised SAVIOR and Salvation. Abel and Noah offered to God animal burnt sacrifices. Their Faith in God's promised salvation pleased God. God accepted them. However, He rejected those who were unbelieving like Cain who offered God vegetable sacrifices which was the fruit if the cursed ground. Man cannot find salvation or acceptance by God through his own work and efforts or by other means...for without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. Cain rebelled against God and killed his brother Abel. Cain preferred to resist God and he fled from God's presence.

Mankind multiplied from Adam and Eve, Cain, Seth and their descendants. Because mankind were born sinners, sin and death continued to rule while Satan and his fallen angels continued to seduce humanity to sin so that after thousands of years, the world became so unclean in God's sight that God decided to destroy the world and everything in it with flood.

However, a man named Noah still believed in God, so God counted him righteous. Therefore, God saved Noah and his family from the flood. All perished in the flood except Noah's family and the animals that were with them in the ark.

From Noah's three children came all the modern humanity a nations of different races, tribe, and languages. However, mankind continued to sin. They neglected God and followed the deception of Satan. Before long, God found no nation of His own.

Then we will connect the drama where God began to literally establish a nation of His own that until now still exists even though Satan, his angels, and the ungodly people who follow them have tried with all their might to prevent its establishment and destroy it's existence.

Any thought?

Let's have a coffee


Enjoy reading...Blessings.

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3 years ago


Great article

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3 years ago

Thank you

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3 years ago