Achieving Emotional Maturity

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3 years ago

The age for emotional maturity varies in different people.

A mature person is able to analyze a situation objectively rather than responding on the basis of subjective emotional desires. No one is able to be objective all the time.

The emotionally mature person is able to develop a philosophy which will guide him I'm life. He understand the purpose for living and is able to relate each of his activities to the central purpose of his life. His conduct is regulated to a degree by his ultimate goals. His choice of a marriage partner is not based upon impulsive physical attraction but upon compatibility, common interests, a common philosophy and similar goals in life.

A healthy marriage contributes to a person's achieving his goals in life. An unhealthy marriage resulting from immaturity will become a hindrance.

Any thought?


Let's have a coffee

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Emotional maturity is important. Lack of it also can break a good relationship and bring disaster in life.

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3 years ago

I agree...

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3 years ago