Embrace Yourself

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2 years ago
Topics: Mindset, Own, Happiness, Reflection, Body, ...

What is it like to be beautiful?

I have a lot of insecurities in my body. One of it, or the main is that I am insecure of my physical appearance. So I keep questioning myself, How is it to be beautiful?  How is it to become sexy? How is it to have an appealing image? How is it that your appearance belong to the standard of beauty?

Maybe, the only appealing in my face are my eye brows. I got acknowledged sometimes on how my eyebrows look nice and thick. But then, it's the only one, but not my whole face. I get insecure with my nose, because I almost have a flat nose, so close on being flat. My lips are not thin and kissable. And its color is not pink too, its color is is like dark red to almost violet. My ears also is kinda small, but it's cute tho sometimes. And one of my insecurity in my face are my pimples, acne, and acne marks. My height is also small. I'm not even 5'5 and that is my dream height. I am also fat, not buff and sexy unlike the steroetype beauty body standard.

But right now, I have come to the point to love my body, my flaws. Because I believe that I am me. I am the one built in this body. I am different. I believe that I may not be born and have an appealing appearance that belongs to the standard of beauty, the only validation I need is from my Mother. As long as she said that I am beautiful, I believe in her. And I think that everyone that is reading this believes in what I am saying about the validation coming from our parents, especially from our mothers. I believe that it is just a bonus for me if someone do acknowledge my beauty or my physical appearance. But I am open in enhancing my facial and body features. And I also believe that enhncing should be normalized because it is a personal choice and the one who is paying for it is the person himself/herself, not the other people.

I will end my article here. And I am continuing to love myself more an appreciate who I am. But again, I am open in enhancing some parts if I want to.

Thank you everyone for reading this article. I hope you all are having a good day.

Photo attached is from Pixabay.

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Avatar for Hap
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Mindset, Own, Happiness, Reflection, Body, ...
