short tale: It was a mistake

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The school bells ring, signaling for the end of classes, Hanz, a very energetic and usually giddy person was somehow looking quite sunken than how she would usually be on any other day. She had been completely stuck in thought for quite a while now and it seemed like today was the worst she's been in days. She slowly stood up from her seat once the bell had rang and proceeded to the classroom she'd often frequented recently.

"You can do this" she mumbled to herself, taking a deep breath in hopes of calming herself but unfortunately had no effect on her so she just made her way to said classroom. Each step was taken slowly and hesitatingly towards the desk of a girl who was, as usual, asleep again. "Wake up, your class is already over". It took a few tries and a lot of shaking to finally wake the girl up. A very confused Marie had finally awoken from her sleep, looking at the latter curiously "do i know you? Do you perhaps have some business with me?" Squinting as they mumbled sleepily, obviously very disoriented upon seeing the lass although they did take mental note of the other's face which they saw quite often these past few weeks. "I- uh... i do" Hanz pursed her lips into a thin line as though very hesitant of her next words before finally continuing after receiving a death glare from the very grumpy woman "Would you mind if we spoke somewhere else? Please?".

Although Marie still wanted to sleep and wouldn't actually even give a fuck about this kid, she wasn't that rude nor mean so she just gave the other a nod before standing up and gathering her things "lead the way" She said once everything was good and just followed the lass. Hanz led both them to the back garden of their school where nobody usually went to. She took a deep breath before facing the other, she wasn't sure if she really wanted to do this or not but she was already there and so she finally spoke whilst fiddling with her fingers "so uh... here it goes. I like you. You are an interesting person . You can't say that i barely know you when in truth, i've known you for months now and those months were spent just observing you, paying attention to you. I know you don't like books. Or reading... but you like playing volleyball and anything related to it. I also know that you love music. You want to be able to get somewhere someday with your music and singing. Your voice is amazing and I'm pretty sure with how hard you work at inproving it, you'll make it big one day. that and you're a really hard worker despite how sleepy you are and that just makes me love you more. And i love that voice of yours when you sing too... it's very captivating to me. You are actually very cute even if you do deny it all the time but you look so damn amazing when you're up on a stage or performing though so everything actually evens out with you. I know you secretly like being complimented even though you say you don't like it. I see it, your smile when your friends compliment you, it's shy but proud. No one notices but you talk to yourself or mumble something sometimes and it's just truly adorable. You like someone else... i know... but you know he won't look at you like how you see him. Did you know that he's already dating? Nevermind him because i'm here" an awkward chuckle rang in her throat but she then cleared her throat and proceeded to speak "Okay.... maybe not but please... Don't be surprised that i know so much about you. I am no stalker or anything. I am just really fascinated by you... i like you too much already to wanna stop... You're amazing yet at the same time you're really humble and simple. I want to know you more and i... i was hoping you would too... i want to make you smile when you're stressed out and be there for you when you need it.... but most importantly, i want to be the person you would want to be with most of the time too..."

Throughout the entire confession, Han looked at her fingers, her feet, their feet, their hands, their cheeks anywhere but their eyes, actually, because she was too afraid to even want to look into their eyes. Unfortunately, curiosity got the better of her and she looked up to see that their eyes had turned glassy. Was he scared? Touched? Confused? "Marie?" She tried to tug at their arm because they weren't saying anything. They jerked their hand back and what they said could never leave her mind. In that moment, she realized that she shouldn't have been the one she gave all her heart to... "STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU FAGGOT"

They just stormed off after that and she was left there. Tears made their way down her face and it felt like nothing made sense anymore. She ran home and locked herself inside the bathroom as fast and as soon as she could, their words still rung in her head as she turned on the faucet to the tub and hopped in, giving each wrist a damned slash. Dying the water red as she let myself sink to unconsciousness. Hopefully things get better when i wake up...

a bit too much for a rejection but this was when i was younger. it was supposed to be extended though but i never found any better ideas to extend it*

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I think this one is good if you edit it first. Run Grammarly through it.

I am confused about the he/she used and can not figure out if it is a boy (he/his) or a girl (she/her). I we always write like this I. Always a capital letter, never I. A sentence starts with a capital letter.

I add it to (short) stories/Tales for now but you need to edit it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

will do when i get on a laptop, i just did on phone, thank you UwU

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is very golorious. Mistakes is very bad effect of our society. We can not reach our goal. Carry on.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

More like, it was a mistake to putting your heart into someone who would never accept you, but thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Short story is a mistake , but i think we people always create a mistakes , and have a nice earning here. Just post and poat again. Thank you 🥰.

$ 0.00
4 years ago