Declining skills

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4 years ago

I've been in a sort of slump on sketching these days, probably because of the weather but most likely due to my lack of practice. Over the weekend i have been trying to sketch out scenes that are in my phone gallery. Although I've only tried two but i think my sketching skills have declined or maybe it could be attributed to muscle memory since all I've been sketching in the past two years were nothing but portraits. It's quite a downer, to think my hand muscles grew so fixated on facial features that they aren't able to do landscapes and sceneries now unless i use wet media or pastels for doing so

I only started on the rough sketch but with how my hands function for a larger picture feels really off. Unlike when i tried doing a portrait of my love, I did it continuously. And now I'm halfway through it. Maybe it's just because of a change of pace but it's rather discouraging

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4 years ago
