The Gentle Giant

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3 years ago

It was the last time when men fought with bows and arrows. Two countries were at war and bent on destroying each other. The people actually did not want war. The soldiers too were tired and wanted to go home to do their farming and be with their wives and childrens. But the two kings were vain. Each was determined to show the other that he was the greater. The funny thing was that the war had been going on for so long that no one remembered how it started or what fighting was all about.

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Then one day George was hunting in the forest. George was a cripple and was excused from National Service he was not at war. He wandered into the forest until he came into a cave. Then it started to rain and george hid on the cave. A bear appeared from nowhere and hid in the same cave as george. It saw the boy and started to chase him. Poor george ran as fast as he could deep into the cave. It was dark and he could not see. Suddenly he tripped and fell over. He heard someone stirring and looked about him. Then someone lit a torch and he saw by the light, that there was a giant lying on the floor. George had tripped against him and wakened him up. George was afraid but the giant smiled. He thanked george for waking him up. He explained that he had been sleeping a hundred years. He asked george to tell him the latest news. Sadly, George told him about the war.

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The giant listen intently and then went out of the cave. As he moved the world shook. He was big as a hundred men and seem very strong. George followed closely to see where he was going. Everywhere he went people ran before him. The giant took big steps until he finally arrived at the battlh efield. There in a booming voice, he told all the soldiers to throw down their weapons. They were afraid, naturally, and did as they told. Then the giant took both the kings in his hands and gave him a stern lecture. He warned them against fighting and said that he would be back to kick both of them if they ever went to war again. The kings agreed. Then the giant went back to his cave to sleep another hundred years.

Hope you like this short story guys! Have a nice day. 😊

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3 years ago
