We are Ready!
It was three days and two nights I was apart with my family just to attend the Electoral Board Training as preparation for the Upcoming National and Local Election this coming May 9, 2022. The said seminar was held last March 14-15 this year.
Have you decided already who will be your presidential candidate? How about to who will lead in your community as mayor? I think some of you don't like to talk about the election. Maybe because we will be reminded only the promises made and broken by the officials that until now it is still a promise. Anyway, I want to share with what I have encountered the flow of the activities during the seminar.
First Day...
We are instructed by the Election officer to be arrived at the venue (Madison Park Hotel) at Tacloban City before 11:00 a.m. We left at our place by past 7:00 o'clock in the morning. At the hotel, we are allowed to get inside if we would be able to pass the antigen test. Unfortunately, there were two teachers who received positive results for the second test. They were sent back home. It took almost two hours to wait the results. So, we went first at the mall to buy some foods.
This day is not part of the seminar. We are all tested to check our health status to avoid spread of virus.
Second day...
On Tuesday, the second and actual day of our training we have only one speaker to discuss or to orient us the General Instructions for the Election and the VCM or Vote Counting Machine Operations. I was chosen to lead the opening prayer as appointed by some of my fellow teachers. In the session, it was clearly explained by Ma'am Luzviminda the difference of operating the machine compared to last election. There was a little bit of changes. On the afternoon session, we were given a chance individually to operate the machines. Sad to say that not all materials are available like USB, sim card, and even battery to test diagnostically. There were three machines in our class did not function well. It took long time for us to finish the activity.
Third day...
Finally, the day has come for practical examination. I am eager to go back home because I missed my wife, I missed my elder son and I missed my little baby who was not feeling well after I left my home. But a night before, I slept late because I was answering a 10 items mock test through online before proceeding to theoretical examination good for 40 items. We are given 1 hour to take the test but I finished it for 32 minutes since I can open the notes.
During the examination, we are given instructions and restrictions of the do's and dont's while operating the machine. Together with my poll clerk, we were able to finish the test successfully.
Writer's Note
The election day is fast approaching. Through the seminar, we teachers were even not fully equipped because of the absence of other paraphernalia like I mentioned while ago but we prayerfully are hoping that the election will be meaningfully and successfully performed and executed.
Think many times who will be voted on the election day. Let's respect one another of everyone's decision. Don't be dictated by other's opinion and principle. It is our freedom to choose right candidates who will lead our local places and even to our country.
Vote safely and wisely.
Thanks for your time. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe.
Keep safe everyone.
Hoping that after the election, there's some changes that may happen. Anyway sir your province is Tacloban?