Design a database schema for an online merch store

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Avatar for Hammad89
8 months ago

Designing a database schema for an online merch store involves several tables to manage products, customers, orders, and more. Here's a simplified schema:

1. **Products Table**:

- Product ID (Primary Key)

- Product Name

- Description

- Price

- Category ID (Foreign Key to Categories)

- Stock Quantity

2. **Categories Table**:

- Category ID (Primary Key)

- Category Name

3. **Customers Table**:

- Customer ID (Primary Key)

- First Name

- Last Name

- Email

- Password (hashed)

- Address

- Phone Number

4. **Orders Table**:

- Order ID (Primary Key)

- Customer ID (Foreign Key to Customers)

- Order Date

- Status (e.g., Processing, Shipped, Delivered)

- Total Amount

5. **Order Items Table**:

- Order Item ID (Primary Key)

- Order ID (Foreign Key to Orders)

- Product ID (Foreign Key to Products)

- Quantity

- Item Price

6. **Reviews Table**:

- Review ID (Primary Key)

- Product ID (Foreign Key to Products)

- Customer ID (Foreign Key to Customers)

- Rating

- Review Text

- Review Date

7. **Cart Items Table**:

- Cart Item ID (Primary Key)

- Customer ID (Foreign Key to Customers)

- Product ID (Foreign Key to Products)

- Quantity

This schema allows you to track products, their categories, customers, orders, order items, product reviews, and items in a customer's shopping cart. You can expand upon this foundation based on specific requirements, like shipping information, discounts, and more.

Please note that this is a simplified schema, and in a real-world scenario, you may need to consider additional tables and relationships to handle more complex features like multiple shipping addresses, discounts, taxes, and user roles for administrators, among others.

$ 0.00
Avatar for Hammad89
8 months ago
