Friendship is worth more than money!

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 Some time ago I made a loan to a friend.

Thank God at that time I had some money available to do it, also my friend had an urgent need to cover and as a friend I have a duty to help my friends when they need it.

Although the amount I lent to my friend was not much, for me it was important that he return it to me because I have the money for my expenses well calculated and I hardly ever have any left over.

So my friend promised to pay me in a week.

Several months have passed and my friend still has not paid me the money and, worst of all, it seems that he has forgotten about his debt.

Fortunately for him I am not a spiteful man nor do I like to be remembering the debts that people have with me, I believe that everyone has to be responsible with the commitments they assume.

My friend is still my friend, but even so, I think that with what happened, he feels limited to borrowing something from me, especially if it is money.

The important thing about this is to realize that we should not abuse people's trust.

We must always be responsible when we assume a debt.

In this way we will avoid feeling ashamed of borrowing again when we need it.

There are those who say that money is nobody's friend, because many people have broken their friendship over money.

I am one of those who thinks that a friendship is worth more than money, so I will never break my friendship with someone for money.

I will never do it!

But it's good that who
Assume a debt of money, pay it on time and if you cannot do it in the agreed time, reach agreements with whoever loaned it to you.

So that no one calls you irresponsible and thus avoid breaking trust in friendship.

Someone once said:
"Clear accounts preserve friendships"

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Friends are very important our life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Friends are the most best Blessings of Allah for all of us ! Friendship is the best relationship between two persons we know. ! We should help our friends in each thick and thin

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3 years ago

ya you are absolutly right friends are more important that money because money have no importance but true friend is like a life.

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3 years ago

friendship is worth more than money, so I will never break my friendship with someone for money.

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3 years ago

Really said well bro

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3 years ago