Finding true love😍

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Today,while going through the status of my friends on WhatsApp,I saw one of my friend's status with the inscription which says "you no get money,you dey find true love,normal love sef cost,e cum be true love"... It means,you don't have money and you are looking for true love..Normal love is very expensive not to talk of true love...

On seeing his status,I paused for sometime and had to think about that statement...

Does having money have anything to do with having true love??

Does true love have anything to do with money???

Those questions kept coming to my mind over and over again,even though they both mean the same thing...

I know of some people that even with all their wealth and fame,they weren't able to find true love till they died..Those they even got married to,only married them because of their money... It wasn't them those people love. It's the fact that they have money that made them marry them...

I also know of very poor people who found true love..They and their lover are living happily even though they don't have much money but at least they can afford 3 square meals...

I don't believe money has anything to do with finding true love or not...Money would even attract more fake friends and those that would profess fake love to us.

Money they say is the root of all evil..In church yesterday the preacher said something, he said there are some people that can do anything,just to get a little amount of money..He said they can kill someone who is worth billions,just to get thousands of naira..

Have seen young ladies get married to old men just because of money. Some of the young ladies end up killing the old man,so they can have all his money...

Have seen young men go after young ladies that are wealthy,just because of her money and nothing else!

I don't think money has anything to do with finding true love...I stand to be corrected though..What is your own take on this issue??? Do you think money has anything to do with finding true love?? If your answer is yes or no,why do you think so???

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