Tips On Getting A Hair Transplant Turkey Based

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2 years ago

Hair transplants are a surgical procedure to relocate hair from one part of the head to another. It is a method for treating male pattern baldness, female thinning hair, and other types of balding, including alopecia. It involves removing some donor hairs from the back or sides of the scalp. These strands are then replanted into areas where there is no longer any hair. Only experienced dermatologists can perform successful operations. Without a doubt, a successful hair transplant Turkey based ensures long-lasting effects.

To get the best procedure, it would be wise to know some tips first. Read on to know what they are.

Know the things to avoid

Follow the doctor’s instructions before undergoing a FUE hair transplant Turkey based. One week before the operation, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided. Green tea consumption, even in small amounts, should be cut back. A medical professional should be consulted about the use of medications and vitamins.

Make sure that the head and donor region are thoroughly cleaned with non-chemical shampoos before the surgery. Avoid very fatty foods, as a light nutrition meal should be eaten instead, but make sure you’re full before going in for the operation. In addition, choose clothing that is large and comfortable so you can easily remove it when necessary.

Ask for a detailed process

Before, during, and after the hair transplantation should be explained in great detail to clients who have hair transplantation.

Know aftercare

You must follow your doctor’s instructions after the surgery. Do not wash your hair on the first day; do not go out in the extreme cold or bright sunshine for the first three days. It is also critical to avoid hitting the small wounds in your head and drinking foods like alcohol, tea, and cigarettes. Avoid vigorous physical activity at this time.

Have your scalp assessed

In the first meeting, your surgeon will examine your scalp. The best Turkish hair transplant clinic consists of qualified and reputable hair transplant surgeons who ensure positive outcomes. A folliscopy or hair follicle imaging test may be used to determine your current hair density. This technique is important for determining the success of recently transplanted hair grafts.

Avoid taking medicines

For several days before the procedure, you should avoid taking any medicines that might cause intraoperative bleeding and poor grafting, such as ibuprofen-containing products and other blood thinning medications that raise the danger of bleeding. At least a week before the operation, stop taking medication. The best Turkish hair transplant clinic gives postoperative antibiotics to patients to prevent graft or wound.

Stop smoking

If you smoke, stop at least two weeks before your hair transplant. Tobacco smoke or vape smoke contains harmful chemicals that can harm the health and recovery of the graft site. Cigarette smoking constricts blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the scalp region. Smoking cessation improves blood circulation and oxygen flow to your scalp by stopping smoking.

Ask if you are a great candidate

This is an absolute necessity to persuade yourself that you require a hair transplant. To make things clearer, look to see whether your hair loss has halted or not. If so, you’re good to go since the therapy won’t prevent further hair loss. You are also advised against undergoing this treatment until your hair loss has started.

Have sufficient donor hair

If you’re committed to the treatment, make sure the donor region is big enough. Doctors who administer an FUE hair transplant Turkey based will confirm with patients whether they want a straight line scar in the donor area, if they’d like to implant more grafts in one session and if they want to utilize their donor area hair short. They will advise you on how to conduct your hair best.

Consider medical conditions

It would be best to keep in mind that any condition would make receiving an operation under local anaesthesia a contraindication. Medical practitioners who administer an FUE hair transplant Turkey based would encourage patients to treat their illnesses first before starting the treatment.

A superior hair transplant Turkey based can change a person’s life for the better. Whether you’re looking to cover up an embarrassing bald spot or want to regain that youthful look, hair restoration surgery may be just what you need. Following all the tips listed above would be quick to spot a reputable clinic that administers efficient hair transplants.

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