Spinach is a vegetable that is easily available at cheap prices in every region of the world. It is a gift from nature that contains many nutrients. It contains Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Folate, Manganese, Iron Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B. It is also a source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, fiber and copper.
It is a vegetable that is available in all seasons and can be eaten raw in salads. It can be eaten cooked or mixed with other foods. Spinach is very important to us. It is also cooked with "chicken" meat, potato pieces, dal nidro and cheese.
We use it sparingly, perhaps because it is very difficult to clean. In addition, some misconceptions about spinach have arisen in the minds of ordinary people.
For example, if the urine is bad, you cannot eat spinach, if there is any problem in the stomach, it is forbidden to eat spinach, if there is any kidney disease, you cannot taste spinach. This vegetable is contraindicated in gout, thyroid and gall bladder diseases.
Because of these superstitions, some people "avoid" eating extremely useful vegetables like spinach. Now read the benefits of spinach and decide for yourself whether to eat this vegetable or not.
Benefits of Spinach
One cup of spinach contains 20% of the daily requirement of dietary fiber. A friend of the digestive system, it relieves constipation, moderates blood sugar levels and prevents overeating.
Spinach is rich in flavonoids, which are anti-cancer ingredients that prevent cancer cells from dividing.
Antioxidant Ingredients:
(Antioxidant) Contains antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, manganese, zinc (ZINC) and selenium. In addition to protecting the blood vessels from swelling, they play an important role in protecting against bone disease and stevia and hypertension.
The peptides in spinach help reduce high blood pressure.
The antioxidant components LEUTIN and ZIAZINTHANE are abundant in spinach leaves. In addition to preventing cataracts, they also have a positive effect on eyesight.
The abundant amount of vitamin A present in spinach has a positive effect on the skin of the body. It protects the skin from wrinkles and keeps the skin soft and fresh.
Defense system:
One cup of spinach contains 337% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A. It plays an important role in protecting the body's internal gates such as the mouth, nervous system and digestive system from germs, viruses and insects.
One cup of spinach provides more than 1000% of the daily prescribed amount of vitamin K, which is essential for bone volume and strength.
Brain and nervous system:
Spinach, rich in vitamin K, helps in the formation of spongolipids, an essential component of the brain and nervous system, which is vital for the formation of myelin, which wraps around the nerves. Contains -
A few other valuable benefits:
Hot and cold temperament is equally beneficial for both people. Useful in quick digestion. Beneficial in both gastritis and urinary irritation. Its food is very useful in cold, chest and lung pain and fever. Relieves jaundice and cough caused by heat. Gargling with spinach water relieves sore throat. Cleanses the blood. It is more beneficial than all other greens and is even more nutritious than Cholai and Bathua greens. If there is any kind of obsession or irritability due to bile, then spinach should be cooked in goat meat and used. If you have a headache or it persists, use it cooked in goat's head.