HighlyHealthyFruitsFor YouAnd Benefits

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I want us to look at some benefits of fruits and why we should learn to take them serious as part of our daily eatery. To be candid with you fruits and berries are among the world’s most popular foods that are highly health. 

Besides fruits are a very good source of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C and potassium which makes it excellent source of dietary fibre. Dont forget that this helps you to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation especially during digestion problems in the body and a diet high in fibre really reduces your risk of bowel cancer which is very bad to the body.


I will just be listing about six fruits that are sweet and very nutritional to incorporate into your diet and foods and doesnt take time in preparing them.

Avocados are really good and it is this fruit is loaded with lots of healthy fats instead of carbs. It is really a good creamy fruit and its tasty which includes vitamin C  and potassium.

Apples are also a good and healthy fruit that is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and numerous antioxidants and when you are hungry its really good to have it before meal.

Bananas are another lovely one to have and i love taking it with groundnut though and its among the world’s best sources of potassium.

Oranges as we know is really rich with vitamin C content and high in fiber too.

Blueberries i must confess are not only sweet and delicious but has found itself among the most powerful sources of antioxidants. That means its really a good one for you.

Strawberries are highly nutritious and has low calories and in strawberries you will find loads of vitamin C and its among the most delicious foods in the world that exist

Dont forget that there are many other healthy fruits that is really nice for you to eat but i just listed this six that i do take very well and i know they are really healthy. Please always take fruits is really good for the body..

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