05 October: Teachers day

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Avatar for HafeezKhosaBaloch
3 years ago

Hi read.cash!!

Hope so all of you will be good and enjoying your days on uptrennd.As we all know that today is 5th of October and we called this day a teachers day. This is the special day when whole world celebrate 5th October as the day for teachers. 

There is no doubt that teachers are our spiritual Father. No one can compete with teachers and their services that they do for their students. Teachers are the only personality which always do their hard work for their students. They make their students like a Gold . Its our duty that we all should celebrate and respect every day our teachers not only 5th October. No one can made progress in their life by making angry their teachers. Always try your best to respect your teachers. 

Teachers build the personality of their students. We all should remember our those days when even we can't write our own names and our teachers makes us able to do this and much more. We can see that world richest people are also rich because of their teachers and they get knowledge from teachers. No one can be successful in life without knowledge and only teachers transfer knowledge to their students. Always try your best to respect your teachers

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