What should pregnant women eat or not?

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3 years ago

Pregnant women are most health conscious about what to eat and what not to eat because whatever they eat affects their unborn baby.

If they eat well, the baby will be happy too, but if ever An unbalanced diet can cause serious harm.

In this case, you should adopt a healthy and nutritious diet plan that you can follow to maintain your health and that of your child.

And in exchange for all these foods, your child will be healthy as well as intelligent.

So let's look at a simple diet plan for all pregnant women today, which according to experts, during pregnancy, a woman needs specific minerals, vitamins and other nutrients to protect herself and her baby.

What should a woman include in her diet chart during pregnancy and what should not:

Diet plan:

1. Eggs

Eggs contain a high but low calorie content of the amino acids choline and protein, which play an important role in improving the mental and emotional health of the mother and baby and protect them from tumors.

2. Almonds

Almonds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, fats, protein and vitamin E, which help both the baby and the mother to sharpen their minds and prevent dryness in the body.

3. Protein

Eat pulses, beans, cheese, milk, fish, eggs, meat and fruits as common protein-providing foods because experts consider these foods to be the best for maternal and child health during pregnancy.

4. Carbohydrate Consumption

Foods that contain starch such as bread, potatoes, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, barley, sugar. These foods should be a part of every meal and if you eat bread, use unleavened flour and milled flour. They are also part of an excellent diet plan and also for the strong health of the baby.

5. Dairy products

Milk should be an integral part of the diet of pregnant women as well as eat all dairy products such as yogurt, khoya, halwa. It provides calcium, protein and vitamin D, which helps in the development of the baby's bones.

6. Vegetables and fruits

Different colored vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals and these foods are low in calories so eat them daily.

7. Cheese

Cheese is the best source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for the mental development of the baby. Pregnant women have low IQ levels due to vitamin D deficiency. If you want your baby's IQ level to be very good. Avoid vitamin D deficiency and also sit in the sun in the morning.

8. Dosage

Experts say that on average, a pregnant woman's plate should consist of 50% of fruits and vegetables (without oil), 25% of grains and 25% of lean protein, and she should eat something every 4 hours.


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3 years ago
