5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Interesting

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2 years ago

Making arrangements and putting out a plan for your future lives together is so thrilling in the run-up to the wedding. However, after the honeymoon is over, life begins. Even the most devoted spouse will find the married lifestyle to be, shall we say, less than stimulating at times, even if they have the most amazing marriage. Let's face it, you love the other person, but spending all day with the same person creates a lot of repetitive activities that, if not managed well, can suffocate your relationship and make you both unhappy with what is otherwise a really loving relationship.

As a result, it's critical that couples don't just sit back and hope that their marriage will stay exciting on its own. Rather, it is critical that spouses take a few simple actions to inject some energy into their marriages.

1. Pursue separate interests

If you spend every waking moment doing and experiencing the same things, you will never have anything fascinating to say. In

dependent interests are a sign of a strong marriage, not a symptom of a weak marriage, as some newlyweds believe. Independent hobbies give you something distinct to add to conversations, ensuring that you and your partner always have something interesting, if not thrilling, to say to each other.

2.Unforeseen Occurrences

Planning the spontaneous occasion appeared to come naturally to you when you were dating. However, when we become more at ease in our relationships and more preoccupied with life's responsibilities, we have a propensity to rely on the strength of our bonds and, as a result, fail to keep things spontaneous. So, to shake things up, organize a brand-new afternoon or evening event. Try out that show your husband has been clamoring to attend, or go to that new restaurant that has recently opened.

3. Never make a threat of divorce.

This isn't so much a rule to keep things fascinating as it is to make them safe. If both sides are sure in their commitment to one another, a relationship can only grow and remain fascinating. As a result, make it a rule between you and your partner to never threaten divorce or separation. Make it clear that if you threaten to separate, you'll be stepping out the door to back it up. It's a hard rule, but one that must be followed if your marriage is to endure the ups and downs that all couples experience.

4.Weekend Getaways

Taking a vacation with just the two of you is a sure-fire method to inject some romance into your marriage. However, given the demands of life and the costs of travel, a full-fledged vacation might be difficult to justify. Instead, consider a one-night staycation in your own city. Plan a dinner and evening out, then finish with a hotel stay. The cost isn't excessive when you consider the joy that a trip, no matter how brief, may provide to a relationship.

5. Add some color to the bedroom

Last but not least, change things up in the bedroom to add interest to any relationship. The strength and satisfaction of your relationship are inextricably linked to your sex life. So, with your partner, try trying out a new position or perhaps a sexual dream or adult toy, and share something intimate while also adding some excitement to your marriage.

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2 years ago
