Short Story Challenge - Day 11

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1 year ago
Topics: Loneliness, Book, Art, Adoption, Poetry, ...

As I promised, this month I will do another writing challenge, this time the focus will be on storytelling, and I will try to immortalize a fragment of life, a short story about something that made me wonder, being that an idea or a peek into a stranger's life. Enjoy!

Morals, wolves, and tiny houses (17.11.2022

We are no longer slaying dragons. The Age of Heroes is long forgotten. Nothing more than a myth. When you live forever, this is nothing more than a blink of an eye. But then, today, the most challenging thing to do is to practice restraint. Of course, I can always work as a magician, doing Vegas shows and making flowers appears out of nothing. That would be easy. If David Copperfield could do it, I can too. Still, this is not something that I would enjoy.

So, instead of this, I am trying to cope with a tiny house and a self-sustaining farm. O whole different kind of magic, the Earth magic. Spices garden, a food garden, fruit trees in the orchard, chickens for eggs, a few sheep, and a couple of buffaloes for milk. These solar panels and the windmill, providing free electricity, should do the job. What shall a call this then, the Age of Wonders?

Still, this is the recurrent feeling these days, knowing that you can do anything, and choose not to do it. Empowering, as social media would call it.

And yet, as the insidious thoughts of war and climate change and all the other silly stuff are spreading around the world, I do not know for how long I can live my quiet, peaceful life. I may be forced to step out of the shadows one of these days. It is not something that I like, but I will do it if needed. The human race may need once more to be saved from itself.

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1 year ago
Topics: Loneliness, Book, Art, Adoption, Poetry, ...


Wolves everywhere

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