There are many parts of the psychology research that can be applied in real life. And most often, it is not you, but your own mind constructions that will take the reins and rule your life.
Just to give one example, as you grew up, you were teached and started to believe that you are made for greatness and success. Right? Even The God of Mischief believed this one.
Well, it is not that simple, as apparently we are often create conditions for failure and backdoors to use as a fail-safe mechanism, ready to override success, just in case you fail miserably, so your Ego will be protected. Because, like many others before you, you are thinking at yourself as being unique, perfect, intelligent and brilliant.
You are here, on Earth, with a purpose.
In one particular example, let's say someone is hypochondriac. This one is always complaining about some illness, real or imaginary. He/She is feeling good when other people look upon with empathy or simpathy. But what really matter is what happens when the life get tough. Then, there is always an excape, as you can conveniently get sick, and not face the real issues. This is one extreme situation, but we are all guilty of using this prop one way or another. As soon as we start some life-changing transformation, we will also think at some excuses. New diet, I will have this chocolate, one time only. Training to get in shape, i am tired, i will skip only this one day. But once there is a crack in the wall, the whole dam collapses. Next time when you are in doubts, be honest to yourself and ask: Are my excuses real, or it is just me self-sabotaging again?
Fear of failure is something that humanity is fighting from the beginning of time, and it is a strong debilitating emotion that can really handicap you on physical level. Anticipatory rationalization - you think you don't want or need what you cannot have, and if what you have/feel is kind of bad, you may think that it is not that bad, as others got it worst.
There was one experiment in the 90s, where 2 groups of students were given drugs that enhance or inhibit your performance, and then their performance was measured. And they reacted accordingly, except that the drug was not real, was just placebo. So, as in the classical quote: If you believe that you can, or you cannot, is True. The mind will make it happen.
As a quick tip, I observed for example Tony Robbins, and few others, they are working themselves up, creating an efervescent state of mind, for few minutes, in front of the mirror. Seems silly, but it works. We see that in the football games too. 'Who's the best? I'm the best. I am the best. I AM THE BEST!' You have nothing to loose and everything to gain, so remember, next time when you are doing something important, change your state of mind and make yourself believe that you are the best.