Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall!

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1 year ago
Topics: Poetry, Art, Achievements, Hive, NFTs, ...

A good week, and a good start, as one of the major targets was achieved (Buy 100 Chaos Legion packs before the Winterfest event ends), and this resulted in 100 +10 extra free packs, 106 regular promo cards, and 4 Gold promo cards, so, my first success for 2023, planning to sell all these packs 2-3 months after the CL packs are finished, and exchange everything in Hive Power. Another minor target achieved - bought 700 Zilliqa to reach a total of 13K on Kucoin. I have also worked a bit on my other objectives, buying some more EDSMM and some more ALIVE to delegate to @aliveandthriving for ALIVE miners' rewards.

Up to date: 2/26 targets achieved

Next week I will try to buy 13 more CL packs to reach a 400 total. another 30 EDSMM, and more ALIVE. I do have 100 HIVE ready for the power-up event already.

That was the crypto side. Now, let's have a little talk about the important things. As I was talking with a friend, about different ways to be rich, we both agreed that having free time is the right way, being time-rich, to say it somehow. But there is more to this equation, as I would think about 3 major points/energies to be traded around for a successful life. I am talking about time/health/money. And a balance between all three is ideal, but we are often focusing on the wrong one at different times of our lives.

  • Young people - lots of time, lots of health, not so much money.

  • Adults - not enough time, medium health, medium money.

  • Retirement - lots of time, low health, lots of money (ideally).

So, the key to a happy life may be to create extra money when young, time as an adult, and health as a retired person. Is this possible? Not really, unless you are really lucky. What would be cool is to use little money to create experiences as a young person, create some extra time as an adult, and live a good life in order to preserve health and prevent illnesses. But, once again, not that easy. While this is an impossible trick, let's not forget the wise man's water spoon parable. Of course, I will say it, in case you don't know it:

Once upon a time, all the young princes were sent to the immortal wise man living on the top of the highest mountain, to learn about the secret of life. Our young prince is going on a treacherous journey and finally arrives at the top of the mountain. There, to his surprise, the sage is expecting him, and upon arrival, is giving him a spoon full of water, telling him to go around his house, and explore. It was a big house, full of wonders from all around the world. After one hour, the prince is questioned by the sage:
-Did you still have the spoon full of water?
-Yes, said the prince.
-Did you see the Persian rugs, made from camel hair? Did you see the best Italian painters' work? Did you see the 5000 years old Chinese?
-No, not really, said the prince.
-Then go again, and admire all the beauty you can find around you!
Once again the prince went around, admiring all the art, the inventions, and the treasures from the sage house. Five hours later, he was back.
-Did you see the Persian rugs, made from camel hair? Did you see the best Italian painters' work? Did you see the 5000 years old Chinese? asked the sage.
-Yes, I admired them all. It is extraordinary, what you have here.
-Did you still have the spoon full of water?
As the prince checked, the spoon was now empty.
-My dear prince, the secret of life is to admire all the beauty around you, while you are keeping your spoon full of water.

That's all for today, have a perfect week,

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1 year ago
Topics: Poetry, Art, Achievements, Hive, NFTs, ...
