Cooking, booking and looking up

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1 year ago

Two days of work done, one day off today, another two days to do, and then one week of holiday. Still, it was a good week, for the first week of the year. Got some long emails from Celsius, I think it is just about Zoom access to the judge's action and conclusion. Not sure.

If you think about your inner child and how you are starting to forget the joy of play, this is the blog post that you need to read.

Move your head to the left!

Also, I found a cool recap of all the best inventions of 2022, published by Time magazine, check it out here.

Feeling good about my first plan of 2023 - buying 100 Chaos Legion packs, as there are only 18% of them left, and then I can proceed to max out the Immortalis summoner, as I only have 2/11 regular cards. Still thinking of making a complete maxed collection of CL and RW, but I do not know if I have the necessary resources for it. I may need to prioritize between Hive and Splinterlands, and then Hive is the choice.

Other than that, I quickly went to town, to get the rent money ready, and put a screen protector and a cover on the partner's phone. Got some veg and a bit of food shopping. Then a quick breakfast and another courtesy visit to the mother-in-law. I do not know, everything seems to be in such a rush, one after another. Wen slowing down? Still do not know the answer, but this is a must.

Other than that, I cooked today, unleashing my inner Masterchef, and I did, a traditional dumpling soup (ciorba de galuste). And I realized that I needed to get some money out for Monday, as I will work the whole weekend, so a trip to the local Sainsbury ATM presented as an unexpected opportunity. Did some reviews while waiting for the food to get ready, on SliceThePie website, out of boredom (they do have bonus pay right now, just made a quick 10$ for fun, and I will use them to buy myself a nice book).

Not a fantastic day, but good enough, I'll be lucky if I manage to have a few quiet hours to relax, maybe watch a movie or play a game. Still a bit pissed off as I went into town and I forgot to buy another silicone sealant for the bathroom experiment, so I may need to go again all the way to the town center to get one Monday, probably.

Feeling beige (06.01.2023)

Between yesterday,
and today,
behind the silence between the words
at your worst, there is a
red thin line,
oh, you, heart of mine,
where you can, like all men,
slow down your thoughts speed,
so the ear can feed
the sound, high on the mound,
follow the hand of the Maker.
And more.

See you again tomorrow,

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1 year ago
