Ways He Shows You He Loves You (Without Even Saying It)

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3 years ago

1. He holds doors open and helps you out of cars. In his world, chivalry isn’t dead at all.

2. He willingly does the laundry. And even though he sucks at folding, he’ll make little (messed up) piles of your fresh clean clothes.

3. He regularly pulls you in for a kiss, a butt squeeze, a long hug, a neck sniff, a hair stroke or all of the above for no apparent reason at all.

4. He calls your nephew or niece and talks to them about fantasy football, Star Wars or Legos.

5. He fills your humidifier with distilled water when you can’t be bothered to do it yourself.

6. He holds your hand whenever you walk down the street together because that’s his normal.

7. When shopping for groceries, he remembers the type of milk you like, he gets the hint of lime chips you like, and he picks up a pint of your favorite ice cream.

8. He calls you midday for an impromptu lunch when he happens to be near your office.

9. He hates getting dressed up, but he does it for you.

10. He makes surprise dinner reservations at your favorite restaurant to celebrate every small but meaningful work related victory.

11. He always reminds you to take an umbrella when it’s supposed to rain.

12. If you cook, he’ll do the dishes.

13. He’s social and interactive with your friends–even the crazy ones who do insane things.

14. He goes to the pharmacy to pick up tampons and Advil and make you a grilled cheese when it’s that time of the month.

15. When you walk through the door after a long, freezing cold day, he drops everything to greet you with a hug and a kiss and helps you remove the 18 layers you’re wearing.

16. He’ll wear the insanely oversized, ill-fitting sweater your mother bought him for his birthday the next time you all go out together because he knows it will make her (and therefore you) happy.

17. When your garbage has reached its capacity, he’ll offer to take it out and actually refill the trashcan with a fresh bag.

18. When you fall asleep on the couch next to him mid-movie, he pauses whatever you’re watching, saves it for next time and puts you to bed.

19. When you’ve had a bad day and just want a hot shower and your pajamas, he’ll set the table and have dinner waiting for whenever you’re ready.

20. When he places an Amazon order, he’ll include hangers because you need them, vitamins to keep you healthy and your shampoo because he noticed you were running low.

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3 years ago
