Funny 21 Questions to Ask Your Friends

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3 years ago

When playing with a group of friends, this game can turn wildly funny very fast. Gather some snacks, invite over your best buds, and turn your boring night in, into something exciting! Look over the list below to find the right question to ask the group when it’s your turn.

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told someone to get them in bed?

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done and gotten away with?

What laws have you broken, if any?

A zombie apocalypse is breaking out, who would you want to be trapped with?

What’s a bad habit you have and want to break?

Who’s the worst person you’ve ever kissed?

What’s your craziest hookup story?

Who’s a celebrity you find attractive that most people don’t think of?

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done while under the influence?

What’s an irrational fear you have and can’t get rid of?

If you had to be stuck in a cartoon, which would you want to be stuck in?

If you had to be any condiment, which would it be and why?

What’s the cringiest trend you’ve ever participated in?

What’s the strangest food you’ve eaten that you ended up in love with?

What’s the craziest pick-up line you’ve used or had used on you?

Have you ever hooked up with someone you’ve met off social media?

What’s the craziest lie you’ve ever told to get out of work or another commitment?

What’s the worst interview you’ve ever had?

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever hooked up with someone?

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Very good post 🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I try it too to my online friends 😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago