A Few Gentle Reminders For The Struggling Artist

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3 years ago

Maybe today you tried to put pen to paper, but all you have before you is still just a blank page. Maybe right now the vivid colors you always see swirling around you have lost their vibrance or your paintbrush only wants to paint in shades of gray. Maybe you can’t even remember the last time you felt compelled to create something. It’s okay. You are no less of an artist on the days you cannot create than you are on the days when the art pours out of you.

On the days when your world feels a little less beautiful and your creativity is at a standstill, take a deep breath, and remember these things.

Art Does Not Have To Be Perfect To Have Value

Someone else’s unrealistic standards of perfection do not get to determine the value of anything you produce. The beauty of art is that no artist and no work of art will ever truly be exactly the same. Pieces might be reproduced and replicated, but what you create is unique to you. There might be days when you are not as happy with what you have created, but that does not mean that what you have made is worthless. We spend so much time fixating on the quality of the content we are producing that we often forget the reason we are creating it in the first place. We create to express the things we cannot simply do or say. Art speaks a complex language of emotion and imagination. How could anything that expresses thoughts so richly and deeply ever lack value?

You should never hold yourself back from creating what you are compelled to create because of a fear of inadequacy. If what you made represents what you are feeling or thinking, how could it ever be wrong? If it means something to you, then it is worth more than any price someone could tack on it. What you create is yours, and you alone get to determine its value. The world will never agree on what is perfect because perfection is a myth. Create what you are craving to make, and always know that your art will be invaluable.

Creativity Doesn’t Follow A Set Timeline

Unfortunately, our world has instilled within us all this sense of urgency when it comes to achieving success. At some point, someone sat down and decided what the major milestones should be that we all hit in our lives, and if you aren’t checking off those accomplishments at their designated times, then we are all made to believe that we are failures. This could not be any further from the truth.

The only time you can truly fail at something is when you never even let yourself try. Art takes time. Creativity is not always free-flowing, and inspiration doesn’t always come knocking on our doors. Often the things in our lives that have the most meaning are not things that come to us easily or quickly. The things we value most take work. They take time.

Your art is no less valuable at 35 than it is when you are 25. Creativity is not sand in an hourglass. It will never truly run out. There might be days or months or years when you just cannot find it in yourself to create art, but that does not mean that you will never create again. Your time does not run out once you leave your twenties.

Maybe you started a book ten years ago, and today is the first day in a very long time that you have felt capable of finishing it. All of those years might have passed, but your creative ability has not. You can always come back to what you started. Your art cannot be finished without you, and it will be just as welcoming to you on day three hundred and sixty-five as it was on day one.

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Written by
3 years ago


How are you doing it my friend, within the space of 30 minutes you have published 5 articles? Are you a writing machine? Even machine cannot do that within an hour. Who is approving all these articles for you into the community. Can't you write something for yourself. I don't follow anyone doing copy paste article.

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3 years ago