Success if approached with a goal: Some Suggestions to students

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Despite the herd of deer, the lion will only attack the target deer. That mindset should come to the students in the exam. With the right goal, the choice should be approached as relaxed. Don't listen to others. You have to be determined. Choice should be a celebration. But,nowadays before exams , the joy and laughter of the students will go away.

Do parents sometimes keep the exam and laugh during the exam? May ask. Only those who face life with humor and laughter will succeed. Enjoy the lesson. Then your whole life will be full of happiness.Make the choice simple. You make a table. Prepare yourself according to that schedule.

Simplify the lesson for the exam and read the books. Read all the lessons with interest. Reading like that does not detract from our thoughts.

After three hours of continuous reading, relax. Then listen softly to the music of people like Beethoven who are sweet to the mind. This will increase your focus and focus as well as your memory. All the lessons learned can be memorized. The first day of the exam is the day of rest.On, take a brisk walk. You have to remember what you have read and recollect/think  it. And it is good to fall asleep early.

When you wake up in the morning to win the exam, go into the exam room, get the question paper, ask the simple questions in it, finish writing correctly, and imagine the scene coming out with joy. In doing so, the fear of choice will go away and there will be morale. I read everything at bedtime. Assume that you are ready for the exam.

Write down all the Mathematics formulas, scientific equations, botanical, zoological names, memorization areas, annual events and set aside 30 minutes daily to re-read. Nothing will be forgotten if read in this way.

As well as take nutritious food. Add vegetables, fruits and buttermilk. Do not eat oily food.

Rest, listen to sweet music, read, pass the exam and be happy.

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