The Girl in the Stairs

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Avatar for GreyEleven
3 years ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Freewrite

I was driving my car late at night on my way home, when I realized that all the milk in the fridge are all consumed already. I'm dead tired from office work, but I need that milk in the morning so I have no choice. I parked the car then walked as quick as I can to the milk station then grab the carton, when suddenly, a woman bumped with me. She's quite smaller than me, wearing a black pants and brown shirt that's kinda wet and crumpled. Her hair was so long and almost covering all of her face.

"Are you okay?", I asked. She looked surprised and frightened at the same time.

"Uhm... I.. I.. need that milk too...", she answered me that made me confused 'cause there are lots of milk of the same brand in the shelves. She suddenly grabbed the carton in my hand. Her hand was full of scratches, her nails was so long and got some cuts on it, there are traces of blood but I can't see if its hers or nah.

"Oh.. okay. I'll just go and get another one. If you don't mind, I just want to ask if you're alright.", I said.

"I am. Thank you for asking... sorry for the milk.", she answered.

"No, it was all fine.. do you need some help with yo..." before I can even finish my sentence, she walked out and I just shrugged any thoughts of helping her 'cause she seems like not needing it.

I just scanned the shelves and grab another carton of milk. I kept shaking my head from the thoughts of running towards that woman, when someone called me.

"Luke... don't you ever look into my eyes.", the woman with the milk awhile ago came back, she told me those words whilst her head is looking down. I cannot see her face, but suddenly felt a familiar feeling in my stomach.

"How the hell did you know my name?!", I said with a mad tone but not shouting.

"Why wouldn't I?", she answered. Now, with a very familiar voice. I can't be wrong. I know her voice. I've been hearing that voice for years, but it can't be her. It can't be.

"Ka... Kara? Is that you?", I said. Still looking at her. Then suddenly, she raised her head, then slowly removing those hairs that's overing her face with her hand.

"I said... don't look.", she said.

I looked. I saw her eyes.

It was bloody red. I know she told me that should't look, but my eyes are nailed at hers. She then smiled. Frigthening smile. Then, suddenly.. I felt something in my neck. Like something is.. is strangling me. I'm keep on removing a thing on my neck, but I can't feel anything.

I can't take it anymore... I was down on my knees, choking so loud hoping that someone will hear and help me. But no one came.. no one came. I was down in the floor, when I closed my eyes from pain. I suddenly remembered things I keep on forgetting.


I remembered that day when I was driving so fast 'cause I don't want to be late in my appointment with one of my biggest potential investors. Someone texted me, it was Mr. Borl.

"I'm on way to the restaurant. See you.", he texted. I can't help but to get really mad because I'm minutes away from being late. I attempted to reply with my right hand, then suddenly.. I hit something on the road.

It was a deer.

"Seesh, thought that was something else. Damn it.", I quikly drove away again to the meeting place.

I arrive two minutes before 3:00 jn the afternoon. I entered the restau as quick as I can when I saw a familiar face in the table beside the door.

It was Kara. My girlfriend for five years already. With some man I don't know. She didn't told me she was going and I didn't told her too that I have a meeting 'cause I wanted to surprise her later at home. I was about to approach her when the man stand then kissed her on her head. I was stunned. I was nailed there, standing and looking at her. The man went to the restroom, Kara was left on table.

Because of my emotions, I ran at her. I was so mad. Grabbed her to the parking area and to my car.

"Who the hell was that, Kara?!" I shouted at her.

"He.. no.. he's no one." she answered, looking so afraid.

"Who the hell was that?! Answer me! Or else!" I can't control my emotions anymore.

"Or else what?! You're going to hit me again?! Go! Hit me! That's Ted. My boyfriend!" she shouted at my face.

Because of anger, I was not able to hold myself. I hit her and pushed head in the window. She's trying to stop me, but I was too strong. At this point, I really can't stop myself and just indulge with my anger.

After few minutes, I saw blood dripping from her head. I didn't realized that my windows are cracked from the deer I hit awhile ago.

"Kara... Kara! Wake up! Damn it." I tried waking her up. But she has no pulse already. I didn't know what to do, so I just drove away and dropped her body near the supermarket. There are trashcans in there and I made sure no one saw me put her body in one of those.


I still can feel that strong thing strangling me, and I can feel already that my strength is fading away.. then I suddenly felt nothing.

Then, I wake up.. in my bed.

"Damn.. one hell of a dream." I got up and just shrugged the thoughts of what I did.

I was going down to the kitchen to grab some milk when suddenly, someone called me. She's at the top of stairs. Looking exactly like the woman in my dreams.

"Hi Luke, you can't escape from me now. Not a dream anymore..", she said then smiled.

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Avatar for GreyEleven
3 years ago
Topics: Story, Writing, Freewrite
