SEED SCHOOLS "Drives large communities"

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4 years ago

In Puerto Cayo, Manabí in Ecuador there are several rural communities that live in the middle of the dry and humid forests, among them Cantagallo, El Barro and El Jurón, which due to their remoteness have absenteeism of their professors missing more than 30 % of annual classes in their rural schools, in the same way teachers have very little training perpetuating traditional methodologies that are obsolete to the needs and demands of the territory and the planet, affecting more than 80% of students fail to develop the minimum learning in language and mathematics, regarding the school infrastructure, there is little ventilation and natural lighting damaging the learning environment of the children, in addition to these factors there is a lack of pedagogical material,libraries or infocenters that allow them to create opportunities and acquire tools to provide welfare to their community and themselves.

The rural communities of Puerto Cayo together with the Amor 7.8 Foundation have come together to transform their schools so that they and their children can count on decent training and training spaces that allow them to improve their quality of life. For this, it is necessary to improve and strengthen more than 5000 m2 of infrastructure, a better and continuous training for teachers and families in pedagogies where experience and play are the first engine of learning by rescuing and dignifying the knowledge of their culture and territory, For this purpose, we have the support of the International Education Network RIE who accompany us and advise us with their extensive experience in education on this path to transformation.

We plan to work for a world with social justice where we all have the same opportunities, where our peasant families, protectors of life and these mega diverse forests can live in harmony and quality in their populations without the need to migrate to the city. Together we can be the difference and example of a successful rural education in the country, which can be moved to every corner of Ecuador and the world.

© 2020 GSP Ecuador. All rights reserved.

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4 years ago
