Several types of cookies from one mixture - soft and fragrant

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Avatar for GreenEagle
3 years ago
Topics: Food

500 g butter or margarine (I had half - half)
200 g of powdered sugar
2 whole eggs
10 g baking powder
600 g of soft flour
vanilla aroma


Add sugar to the softened butter and beat with a mixer.

Add eggs, then whisk again.

Add vanilla, half a measure of flour and baking powder to taste, then beat again with a mixer.

Add the rest of the flour and mix as much as you can with a mixer. The mass is softer but thick, do the rest with a spatula or a food processor.

Divide the mixture into as many parts as you want to get. I divided it into 4, but then I combined the flavors.

When you add flavorings or whatever you want to them, put each part in the dough separately in a bag and then in the fridge for an hour or two.

The first part remains as it is, just add a little flour, one handful and mix, I took out the vanilla from that, these are the rolls and I have a little dough left, so I took out the stars.

Vanilla stuffed with apricot jam. and for the stars, the white chocolate that was left from my heart mixed with coconut, got a density and merged into two stars.

For the second mixture, I used lemon aroma, one teaspoon and grated peel of one orange. And again a little flour so that it is not sticky.

From that mixture, I took out cookies, these chocolate ones, others from the left. Take out the cookies, put them on baking paper in a baking tray and bake. There was a little mixture left, so I took out the hearts, dipped them in white chocolate and sprinkled them with hazelnuts. Well, I have white chocolate left over, which I used for coconut and stars.

The third mixture is the aroma of almonds and almond flakes. I also added a handful of flour to keep it from sticking. These are the hoops with the hole. Take out all the rings and then drill holes in half of the rings. Bake and chill together with aurocream. There is a little bit of mixture left, so I took out these flowers, dipped them in chocolate and then in coconut.

And the fourth mixture are these dark little men, I added cocoa, cinnamon and again a little flour and mixed them. She took out the shapes, baked them and then painted them with white and dark chocolate. And there was a test left, but the children played with it.

Baking time is 12 - 13 minutes at 180 degrees. They may look unbaked, but they are baked. They harden on cooling.

I used in addition to the biscuit mixture: one teaspoon of lemon flavor, one orange peel, a teaspoon of almond flavor, a handful of almond flakes (if you don't have almond skins, make a combination with walnuts, poppy seeds or hazelnuts and orange peel), 3 tablespoons coconut, 3 tablespoons hazelnuts 150 g of dark chocolate, 150 g of white chocolate, a few tablespoons of apricot jam, sugar and rolling powder.

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Avatar for GreenEagle
3 years ago
Topics: Food


Ireally enjoyed reading this article.

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