That very night was graced by the rain
But disdain by the moon:
For she shut her window
Not to change her mind soon.
The Negro and his lover
Locked in their quiet quarters
Voices came but in whispers
Tender giggles coming much later.
You'd wonder what he said
But to his "caramel"
Familiar to a beautiful spinster
About issues-marital.
The night added glory
But to her dark pale skin
And the pregnancy: Flory
To their painted dreams.
Sooner the whisper
Faded slowly away,
And the frogs took turns
Crocking all the way.
Just then the night stood at the middle
Hoping to cross over
The rain poured though a little
Over Fredrick's' farm.
Suddenly came this cry from within lanterns then became tuned for safety .
A manly voice kept knocking on doors
The obvious cry of a cradle: -a baby.
Ejiro came
bearing the mark of Africa
Ejiro came
Just as His father predicted
For he was darker than the night
Yet smoother than the wind.
For his arm held firm
As though he was a knight...