Isn't knowledge more profitable,
Than the drilling of liquid gold?
Or considered more adorable,
Than the brilliance of emerald?
'Was ignorant, of knowledge being like a woman,
hiding within her bosom
her apprehensive sides.
'Was ignorant, of knowledge
being like an epiphyte,
sapping away my strength
and soonest, taking my place!
'was told, she was like the farmer's favorite dog
faithful and consistent unto him.
'Was told, she is like a diadem of Jasper, stylishly placed
on queen Sheba's crown.
'Was told Solomon held her like a scepter
and his glory, could not be mimicked!
But yet again, I played a fool!
Fooled for being fooled by fools!
I wasn't told knowledge had precepts
Upon falling were defaulters damned,
and faithful's magnified!
I wasn't told, that in much random Knowledge, not carefully laid and weighed is madness!
I wasn't told that even the fool knows
but hasn't benefitted from such wells, so he dwells in drought.
I was gluttonous in Knowing!
And upon desperately searching,
I fell!
I fell from her laid precepts!
I meant am a defaulter!
I meant my many knowing,
aren't rightly placed!
I meant am caged!
For I can't draw from my wells of knowledge.