Beauty In The Eyes- The Real Beauty

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3 years ago

I grew up in a family that has high value for integrity and honesty. My late father was a disciplinarian, very strict. In my house, you can't tell a single lie, in fact the fear of dad discovering it was a lie was enough to scare you from even thinking about it. And he had a way of always finding out. One thing about telling lies or any other negative attitude is that you need to keep doing something wrong to cover up the previous one.

Now, discipline of self and integrity is the real beauty I go for. When I listen to anybody once, by experience I always know if talking to him or her is worth my precious time. The beauty of one's attitudes is far above appearance. This beauty is the real beauty and it can't be bought with money. Anyone can wear fine clothes, shoes and make over, but it takes a lot of self discipline, commitment and training to have beautiful attitude.

The attitudes of honesty, patience, integrity, loyalty, calmness, politeness, hospitality, among others are becoming rare in our time. Some times I just wonder how we got here.

Two days ago, a lady I mentor asked me if I knew about a certain online business that someone wants her to join. According to the person, you need no referrals, she said. So I went online to check how the business works. Guess what! The terms and conditions stipulated that before earning you need referrals. When I showed her the screenshot of my findings, she was shocked. She never believed the person could tell such a lie just to get her into it and get his bonus.

It's not uncommon to see people lie to get business success, most times to the detriment of others. We keep hearing stories of scams.

What happened to our values? Why are people taking stealing online as smartness? Why is our society celebrating only money, not the source? Why do good people suffer lost, while the evil ones parade our streets?

For those that still believe in earning from your sweat, let's be more careful. There's freedom, but free things usually lead to regret. Never get to the point of regretting before you learn.

We must not always learn the hard way. The soft way is more profitable and have less scars. Learn from other's mistake.

Have a great day!

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3 years ago
