For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. — Psalms 100:5 (KJV).
Worthy is our Lord to receive all glory for His goodness! Everything may get bad,disgusting and disappointing,but Jehovah Elshadai remains the God of goodness.
Most times,we are caught in a glimpse of how things would have gone unbearably terrible if God didn't show up at the eleventh hour. Have you considered His goodness at the time of distress and confusion?
Do you still remember when it looked like everything is breaking down,but He made a new way out? How about His healing,prosperity,salvation,forgiveness and deliverance lavished on us because of His goodness.
Though He's good on every side, He's also merciful enough to accommodate our flaws,shortcomings and stubbornness. His mercy is everlasting,Hallelujah! Thank God for His mercy.
He never discarded us in our mess. In our disobedience,He remains merciful,calling everyone to repentance. He gives us numerous chances to rise up from our fall. There's a new life in Christ Jesus because of God's mercy.
Will you key into this truth? The truth of His power,presence and protection upon every life that is submitted to Him can't come to an end. As He was before,so is He now and so shall He be forever.
He's the God of truth. Let every philosophies and human reasoning bury it's head in deception, Christ remains the truth in all ages. Come into the truth of His presence and your life shall never see shame.
There's illumination of the mind and spirit in Christ Jesus. No one can serve Him and remain in the dark.
Are you confused? Come to Christ today. He'll reveal everything you need to know.
Father,please open our eyes to see more of your goodness,mercy and truth. Take us to a greater revelatory knowledge of your presence in our lives,in Jesus's name. Amen. Stay enlightened.