A Shadow of You

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Avatar for Greatness96
3 years ago


A shadow of "You"

passes by, more often these days!

Could you state clearly

The last time you saw "You"?

Did you find "You" after

the luring smiles

thrown at you?

Were "You" intact

after biting

the sumptuous pie


Or when

he held thy hand

subtly, at the cinema?

Letting the currents of lust

gush and overwhelmed thy soul!

Was it about the hug

that lasted longer than usual.

Thereafter you bore him in thy thoughts,

Yet, couldn't get enough!

I'm sure you saw "You"

Just before you paid him a visit.

But did you forfeit "You"

under his bed of roses

Or shrouded in the promises he uttered!

Do well to bring "You" back!

For I miss "You"

I'm sure you miss "You" too!


Where at You?

It pleased "You"

that you got a job.

Why then did you sale "You,"

to keep the job!

You dare deny?

Before you changed the figures!

Before you paid for the raise!

Did "You," not object?

You yielded to the

honey dripping words of thy boss!

The weakening Shavers,

In those forbidden words.

The pleasure; The interest

was all in the trade of "You."

We miss "You!"

She Worth's more

than the Job!

I know you miss "You" too!


Remember thy early days!

Did you find "You"

during quiet time today?

Thou serves well

from my judgement

and have won

a supple place in my heart!

But I can't find the old "You."

The "You" whose desires that burns

Unquenchable in rumbles!

The "You" that spent hours in thick romance!

Robbing His tender feet!

Resting on His chest!

In times when you

had nothing to say

You told tales of your day,

And asked

of how His days' routine was like!

I know He misses "You"

And you miss him too!


I know you love your spouse,

But give "You" some time!

Thou art fading away

And thy peace withers like flax.

Thy neck bears full yoke

Which increases daily.

Vision seems darkened

And thy cares heavy!

Take now thyself

to thy closet nearby,

And groan

till you find the "You" in there!

I know you miss "You!"

We miss "You" too!

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Greatness96
3 years ago
