A Close look at Peace

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Avatar for Greatness96
3 years ago


What is peace to you?

Peace is a state of fulfillment and stability in the midst of chaos. Having peace is more than having possessions or control over people.

 Many people have everything but peace and when that is the case, they live in pains, despite all the gains in life.

Nothing in this world is worth the fight or struggles. We should go for the essentials; that essential is peace of mind.

When you can remain calm, no matter what is taken from you. Peace is the state of serenity and inner tranquility, coming from the assurance of a better experience daily.


More money does not bring peace, God does. The number of houses, cars, companies, businesses, women, men, connections or popularity does not guarantee peace.

Without peace of mind, humans can not enjoy life. Even in the plenteous riches, peace is the most sought for in the whole world.



Seek peace by loving people.

Seek peace by helping people.

Seek peace by serving God.

Seek peace by living in holiness.

Seek peace by living a life of honesty.

Seek peace by giving to those that can’t give you back.


Peace exist only in goodness, but the wicked can have no access to peace.

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Good articles dear 💝

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Nice picture please subscribe me also back dear

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Sub back pl

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