What the heck is cryptocurrency and why should anyone care?

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2 years ago

Warning: Massive amounts of BS inbound. Do not believe any of this nonsense below. Instead, read the linked content.

"Cryptocurrency is unregulated fake money made by sheltered and amoral techbros whose only interest is acquiring wealth. It's basically a bigger fool scam buried under 24 layers of jargon to make marks feel smart. It mainly appeals to gambling addicts, the naïve, and scammers.

My guess is that he [me] wrapped up a bunch of real money in links to pictures of ugly cartoons which he does not technically own, in hopes of one day selling those links for a profit. Yes, that is a real thing that people are doing. [I didn't; I have not purchased any NFTs, only minted them.]

Crypto runs on hype and sunk cost fallacy, so marks tend to get really p|ssy when you don't take their terrible decisions seriously.

No one who actually cares about art is into NFTs. NFTs are the opposite of art. I think the "furries know too much about art and paying for art to fall for this" hypothesis is probably correct.

I've been ignoring this bullsh|t — it's like those weird silver guys over on Reddit. Those are the people who contact me over there, which is a refreshing change from perverts, but still what the hell? I'm old, but I'm not scam fodder. Oh my god, one of the links provided in that "Why crypto isn't a scam" site argues that it can't be a ponzi scheme because those promise returns and crypto doesn't! XD"

— Some old bag in a public discussion group

"Cryptocurrency has a place as a non-government sponsored medium of exchange. The darknet [he means dark Web] online drug markets couldn't exist without some form of cryptocurrency. What's happening now is that people who bought early, was cryptocurrency between 1 to $10 per Bitcoin, are now puffing it up so they can sell their Bitcoin at tens of thousands of dollars apiece. So yeah, it's pretty much a pure scam at this point."

— A different idiot in the same discussion group

Wow, just wow! So much willful ignorance and stupidity in one place is mind-boggling. #okboomer I'm not even going to try unpacking or contesting that (other than where I've added links that do), since those people spouting that utter hogwash clearly read the articles to which I linked, from endthefud.org and still misunderstood/ignored the evidence and/or denied the facts because they don't fit their narrative. Based on those responses above, I don't think there's any hope for them. They're destined to die out with the other dinosaurs to be crushed under the wheels of the crypto bus. Good riddance!

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from/on Pexels

Humans are strange animals in many ways. Ours is the only species of which I know that, when shown the way to freedom and liberation, will defend our opressors and crawl back into our cages to again wear their shackles and chains. If fearfully is how people are going to behave/react in the face of the future of money and the Web, then let them rot and perish in the jails made by banksters and centralisation. I'm done with this nonsense if people are not willing to learn.

Lead image: Photo by Brett Sayles from/on Pexels

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2 years ago
