I've been on my feet almost all day today (and I'm not done yet)

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2 years ago
Topics: Exercise, Walking, Dogs, Actifit, Tired, ...

Saturdays are usually busy days for me, filled with lots of walking. Today has been exceptionally so, despite the fact that there weren't many dogs to exercise at the kennels where I work (if anything, a little less that average). Certainly the fact that actifit reports I've taken nearly twenty thousand (20 000) steps, twice what is required, indicates that. I'm not yet finished, either. (My sitting down to type this and drink hot chocolate is merely a rest break.) I still have recycling to sort into categories/bins and laundry to put away (not to mention packing up my few earthly belongings), despite feeling dead on my feet (not uncommon after a weekend's work/exertion). However, I think/hope the commitment to walk at least ten thousand steps per day as much as possible during any given day of the week is paying off.

My day started early (in fact, as early as it can, since I didnt go to bed last night and pulled an all-nighter). A combination of anxiety about having to move out of my current accommodation due to lack of money and falling behind on a project coupled with enthusiasm to earn BCH and HIVE for my writing and walking is probably not a good one, since I neglected to get a good night's sleep and will no doubt feel the ill effects tomorrow.

Having felt bitterly cold and hungry since the small hours, I made a large bowl of oats and meal supplement for breakfast before going for a quick jaunt around the nearest ring road. That put a nice spike of activity in the chart, compared to shuffling around my bedroom and kitchen. Then it was off to work (which consists of the occassional burst of activity followed/preceded by one of idleness, according to the chart). This seems consistent with the periods/durations for which I'm letting dogs out and (possibly) attempting to persuade them to come out of their pens and/or exercise versus the ones where I'm sitting/kneeling playing with them and picking up after them (not that I gave it much thought prior to installing the app and watching the chart in real time).

After work, I hit the shops to get staple supplies and buy some chocolate as a way of saying thanks (meager and insufficient though it is, since I cannot pay her back in a sufficiently adequate way) to the woman who has gone out of her way to be kind and generous to me despite having no compelling reason to do so (often the opposite, as far as I've figured). A quick lunch followed before I started washing my car and packing it. (If I'm going to tidy up and clear out, I don't see the point of putting things into a dirty car; that's quite self-defeating and counter-intuitive.) Stressing and feeling anxious about how little time I have to get my things moved and how much stuff I have compared to space in my car, I went for another walk around the ring road to clear my head and gain some clarity. It didn't do much for me there, but it did at least provoke my appetite. Pasta with cheese, fried onion and ham was what I made. Dishes done, I sat down and typed this up. It was at about 20:00 that I started and it has taken me about forty-five minutes in total.

I just want to bail into bed and deal with the outstanding tasks in the morning. However, I know that my conscience will be troubled and I'll sleep restlessly. Despite how Herculean an effort it seems I need to make to push on through, doing so will be worth the relief and sense of accomplishment. There ain't no rest for the wicked ...

The lead image for this post is by Lisa from/on Pexels.

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2 years ago
Topics: Exercise, Walking, Dogs, Actifit, Tired, ...
