It's just a click or two; the number of likes, followers and tips doesn't determine my worth.

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2 years ago

This may be very unpopular but I’m comfortable with my opinions. If you dislike it or strongly disagree, feel free to either state that without being confrontational, unfollow or block. There will be no hard feelings on my part, maybe just a little passing disappointment.

I’m a person first. I matter even if my numbers aren't high and my earnings are low. Period.

Let’s get this fucking shit out of the way first: I have 125 followers at last check. Fine. Not a large following by any means, but not bad either. Some people will respond that I should fuck all the way off because I obviously wanted them (well, no shit, Sherlocke!) and I’m typing out my arse. You have your opinion too, one to which you're entitled. No, I won’t delete those comments or block their writers; they are a part of my journey/audience too, even if I disagree with them or think they should GTFO.

TBH, I didn't expect to have as many followers this quickly when I joined Pub0x about six months ago. Given that my numbers fluctuate noticeably at about 50 on antisocial media sites I've been on for years, 125 is (relatively) quite a large number for me. Some people get hundreds or thousands of followers quickly. Good for them; they're not me and I'm not going to compare myself to them, because I'm me and (mostly) very happy to be so, walking my own path. I'm also not going to water down or generalise my writings to appeal to a larger audience. I've tried that and it didn't work. It's not me and people can tell. Honestly, I'm fine with that. Good for them and for me.

I realise that I'm not a typical cishet white guy, fortunate enough to have grown up with a multicultural social circle that contained people of many genders, sexual identities, beliefs, income brackets, etc. (Shoutout to those of you who aren't neurotypical or heteronormative). I am grateful for that. However, I'm just a broke, white, thirty-something crypto-anarchist with strong opinions, a gift for language(s) and an acid/caustic tongue. I put something (sometimes a lot) of myself into what I write and publish here (some of it very personal). Those who've followed me for a while will know that.

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If you find this interesting/relevant and want to read more, the full writing is available on Pubox, since I do better there than I do here.

Post lead image: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from/on Pexels

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$ 0.01 from @zulfrontado
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2 years ago


I have always seen read as an inculsive place. I am brown and Venezuelan, something that many might not like. But I'm here, and the people have been very nice.

At first nobody read me, I was writing all the time and nobody read what I wrote. It made me feel bad because I really write from the heart.

Then I created a community with a guy from Mexico, a community in my language which is Spanish. I started posting there, and he followed me one person at a time.

The secret of Read is to interact with others, to read, and not to stop writing. Always write, whether they read you or not. And he writes with passion, with his heart, it shows.

I loved the writing I commented above, it leaves you thinking, I love that. You write interesting things. Just keep going. And if they still don't read you, don't take it personally, people will come little by little.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you.

This post wasn't so much about Read Cash in particular as it was about writing sites (both for-pay and not) and antisocial media in general. People tent to put too much store in likes and popularity online as a measure of their worth, which has psychologically damaging effects.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I already follow you and if not I would after reading this.

Nothing more to add to your last part. Just write about and post what you like. No one needs to read it, if it's freedom of choice. 👍🍀💖

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2 years ago