A Day to Remind Myself

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Written by
2 years ago

By Gracee

Originally written on April 6, 2022 / Wednesday, however, I was not able to finish it. I am not going to edit most of the things I wrote on that day yet going to add for an update today. Hope you will like it. 🙂

On April 6, 2022 (in the afternoon)

Just sittin' and thinkin' about going back to work on Saturday. As I am sitting in our living room it cross in my mind to think the things that motivate me in taking my current job. I am recalling the things that pushed me to take the position offered way back August 2021 as I am losing interest in the past few weeks due to many things.

Some of you knew that I was absent due to intentional sick leave that ended on Saturday. However, I failed to go back to work on Monday and my sick leaves continue as I got a fever on Sunday night. What an odd, right? Fortunately, I got recovered immediately yet still need time to take some rest and regain my strength.

In this kind of situation, where I feel lost,sick and uncertain, I often forget to look back to my goals, reasons why I pursue my job and took this opportunity. As a result, I feel demotivated, thinking of resigning, stay at home and just do household chores and gardening. Yet, a part of my me saying "DO NOT" and keep on going. That might be the optimistic side of myself for in every situation I often make sure to think positive and negative sides in making decisions.

As I moved to sit here at our front door, I have already decided. So fast, right? I just took a few steps and was able to do a decision.😂

I have decided to keep going. Go back to work and do the right things as an employee. Because why not? It might be not as easy as my previous job yet having a job is a blessing, right? Besides, this current job I have help me to make my family happy and my life easier.

As I am just sittin' and resting, I am able to have a chance to assess myself again to go back on track and make my mind clear and regain my eargerness to go back to work. Besides, I need to earn some penny to buy my needs and wants for no one will give or but those for me.😁

Difficult days are like people in our lives. They come and go yet always leave and give us lessons that surely helps us to grow as an individual and to be braver to move forward in life. Let us remind ourselves, that difficult times is just part of our lives and not yet the ending of everything. Let us remember that we have Him all the time. Let us do our best and leave the rest to Him. Let us surrender our burdens and He surely give us peace and genuine happiness .

As of today, April 8, 2022

I am here sitting on my bed in my boarding room, thinking that I did the right decision in going back to work as I believe that many good things will come despite of the bad feelings I have gone through in the past few weeks. Furthermore, I am doing my best to focus on the positive vibes around me and lifting myself up. Lastly, I am also working on ignoring the negativity at work. I just really hope that everything will fall into the right place.

Let me remind myself and you as well. You are doing great. Always believe that you are blessed and loved by Him and the people around you. Do not pressure yourself, instead do the right thing and the others will follow. 😉

-the end.

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$ 4.24
$ 4.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Jeaneth
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Written by
2 years ago


Keep pushing, Everything gonna be fine some day and all this will definitely be a story.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Usually madam pag dinadalaw ng negativity, mas pairalin natin ang statement na "state of mind" lang yan. It could be a mood swing lng so di tayo papatalo jan. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this madam. 😁 Hirap kasi pag may negative vibes sa workplace tas unti unting nawawala mga taong nakasanayan nating kasama na nagdadagdag saya na pumasok

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Marami toxic sa workplace madam? Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Madami madam. Mga boss pa😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago