After lunch, I decided to take a walk along the Vrla River. I had a feeling I had never been closer to her. So calm, blue-green she told her story. I turned around, the scene is amazing. The sounds that reach me used to be scary. Now they are the most beautiful tune to my ears. I sat down on one of the wooden benches, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. So much beauty could not be described in words. Then I started and went down to the river. Of course I came to take some photos for Noise. cash. The first thing I saw was one small flower. I've never seen him before. So see for yourself.
Nakon ručka, odlučila sam se prošetati kraj rijeke Vrle. Imala sam osjećaj da joj nikad nisam bila bliža. Tako mirna, modro zelene boje pričala je svoju priču. Okrenuh se oko sebe, prizor je nevjerovatan. Zvukovi koji dopiru do mene nekada su mi bili strašni. Sada su najljepša melodija za moje uši. Sjela sam na jednu drvenu klupu, zažmirila sam i udahnula duboko . Tolika ljepota nije se mogla riječima opisati. Onda se trgnuh i sidjoh do reke. Naravno dosla sam napraviti koju fotografiju za Noise. cash. Prvo sto sam ugledala bio je jedan mali cvetic. Nikada ga ranije nisam videla. Pa pogledajte i sami.
Just keep up the wonderful story of a friend. I love beautiful and interesting stories. Enjoy In day